Thursday, March 31, 2016

Frenemies Sleepover!

I was a little upset when Coley went to sleep at Gavin's without me last week so I asked Mom if Aiden could please sleep over. The thing about Aiden and I is that we are two peas in a pod. That means we're both mean and stubborn and demanding and we fight pretty much non stop. You can't tell us we're not best friends though. We are! You'd just never know it. Dad hid in the basement, Coley hid in his room. Rowan hid under the bed in my room and Mom hid in her room with a book and we just did our thing.

The ultimate test is whether or not Rowan likes a kid. You may think it's a given, but nope. It's crystal clear when our fur brother doesn't like a kid and he adores Aiden. So even though Coley deemed it "the worst sleepover EVER," Rowan and I do not agree and we can't wait to have our best buddy back over. Mom's gonna need more wine though...

Arcade King!

Mom took us to That Fun Place today and Coley his the jackpot twice in a row! You might think he's just really lucky, but nope. In true Coley fashion, he studied the game and practiced and practiced and figured it out. Those 500 tickets were no fluke!

We danced the entire time it took to dispense them.

Sorry Dad. There's a new arcade king in Vandyville!

A few days later, we went to Rascal's Fun Zone with Mom, Aiden, Evan and Aiden's Mom and had another great day. Thanks Moms for being great sports and driving go-carts and playing video games with us.

Spring Is Coming!

It's Spring Break and everything is growing so it was only fitting that the latest box we wrenched out of Rowan's jaws of death contained a butterfly garden for us! There are 10 caterpillars in these little cups. Coley was away at a sleepover so I got to name them all. They are:
1. Fuzzy
2. Fuzzy Jr.
3. Wormy 2
4. Sleepy (we learned later that he was actually dead)
5. Wally
6. Squirmy
7. Fatty
8. Webby
9. Crawly
10. Fred

They are actually really cool to watch!

Daddy thinks they're creepy, but I think they're pretty cool.

I couldn't wait for Coley to get home to see them.

A few days later they had already grown a lot!

These guys double in size almost every day.

We think they're ready to make their crysalides soon.

Stay tuned for more pictures as these dudes turn into butterflies!

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Oh it wouldn't be a holiday without the traditional disastrous photo shoot.

B never disappoints.

When it comes to ruining photos, he is King!

As usual, I was more than willing to comply. Especially since Mom let me off with a sweater instead of a shirt and tie.

Then came my little partner in crime and we still did okay. Why he never looks at the camera is beyond all of us.

We did okay though. Enjoy, Mom!

He Is Risen!

What a gorgeous Easter Saturday! We spent the afternoon outside decorating.

Coley made this super cute little chick. We all made the eggs and Mom made the basket.

Bob and June came by and reminded us that our drawing was really not finished, so we added more!  Mrs. Morrison came by and we got to give her giant hugs and kisses and it was just an awesome day.

We were pretty worried that the Easter bunny wouldn't come on account of the scary beast that now roams our property, but he did! Jonah and Sissy stopped by to help us collect the eggs he left just out of reach of Rowan. Smart bunny.

Rowan was a little bummed about not being included in the hunt, but he still goes a little nuts when anyone runs in his yard.

Which we certainly did plenty of!

Except Coley. He just stolled along picking up the eggs we missed and making sure we got our fair share. He's great like that.

Sissy was there too snatching eggs up left and right.


We even found some above the hoop.

And he brought our favorite little soda cans again this year! Of course, B calls them Beer so Jonah and he were running all over the neighborhood yelling "I NEED A BEER!" and "I GOT ANOTHER BEER!"

There were treats in the trees.

So many that we were still finding them a week later!

Cheers to a great haul!

Happy Easter! Hope you're all spending it celebrating the greatest love with the ones you love too!

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Last year, Mom wasn't happy about our poor performance at the Easter Egg decorating table. We both slapped a bit of paint on one or two eggs and called it a day. This year, we made up for it!

We went all out! Sparkles and patterns and swirls and everything.

We waited between coats to make sure we got all sides.

We didn't fight.

And we got ten whole eggs decorated! Pretty sure Mom isn't going to ask the bunny for a little girl who likes arts and crafts again this year!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

LEGO Evolution

LEGOs have changed a bit around here. Ever since Gavin and I went to the LEGO expo, I've been obsessed with making them move. Mom and I finally finished my first motorized LEGO project and it's pretty stinking awesome.

It's a truck with a bed that rises and lowers and lights that turn off and on.

We were a little disappointed that making it into a genuine remote controlled car requires a pretty good amount of rebuilding, but we'll tackle that project another day.

For now, it's fitting into my Star Wars battle scenes beautifully.

LEGO life continues!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's Rowan's World

You may wonder how tough it is to be a dog in a house that's as nutty as ours. We would like to present this evidence of the hard life this poor mutt of ours really has. Daddy really doesn't like him. Nope, not one bit.

If only we could get these two to be friends. You know Old Man Vandy has always insisted that he's' "Not a Dog person." Maybe there is just no hope...

Coley and I don't like him much either. Here we are at the Vet NOT asking a thousand questions and not insisting on listening to his heart and not trying to hold his hand when he got his shots and not sneaking treats from the vet's stash and  not singing to him and... okay, we may have done a bit of all that.

We sure do love you Rowan. You make us all look and smell SO good in comparison!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

But Of Course

Well Mom went to San Francisco this week and when she came home I had a surprise waiting for her. I woke up screaming in the middle of the night so she took me in to MedCheck in the morning and yup, broken elbow. All they gave me was this lame baby sling and instructions to find an Orthopedic Dr. so Mom's face was not all that different from mine after that visit.

Luckily we found an Ortho clinic not too far from home. We went there and got a cool splint and a REAL sling to tide me over until Tuesday.

Which is the day my swelling was down enough to put a cast on my arm. boy was Mom happy to see this day come. It wasn't easy keeping my from doing more damage when I was just in a splint!  Here's my big bro trying to trick the Dr. into thinking HE is the one who needs the cast.

He had us laughing so hard that people were coming to see what in the world was going on! Here he is in his "corner of sadness" because he's the one who broke my elbow in the first place with a piggy back gone very wrong.

I picked black when the time came to choose a cast color because it's just my style.

Mom stopped to get metallic markers and insisted on being the first person to sign.
The good thing about having a broken elbow is that people pay a LOT of attention to you. Okay not cool when it's strangers, but REALLY cool when it's this girl who came to visit.

I might have the teeniest tiniest crush on her.

So life in a cast isn't all that bad. At least we decided not to go South until May! I'm still able to do most rowdy things and even got in trouble for trying to climb up the swingset one handed.

Of course, my other arm is taking a bit of a beating because I'm B and getting hurt is just what I do!

Maybe I should've asked if there was a two for the price of one option on casts...

Aunty Charlotte put it best when she said "Oh but of course it's Bryce..."  Thanks for patching me up Dr. Woo. I have a feeling we're going to become really good friends, you and I.