Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Camp Lakeview 2015

This year we made a terrible decision and left Coley at camp for 3 whole days and 3 whole nights! What was Mom thinking?? We missed him SOOOO much. We sent emails and letters and we talked about him and prayed for him and wondered what he was doing. I'll tell you what he was doing- he was having the time of his life!

Here's a big reason why...  Jeremiah, Levi, Seth, Elijah and Eli were all in his cabin!

and Cathryn was there too!

If the way they smelled and looked was any indication of the kind of fun they had, I'd say it was rough and rowdy... just like them!

Here's the man in charge of the Cherokee nation - Chip. He said Cole was awesome. Of course he was, he's Coley!

The scene of the crime.

The cabin gave Mom a slight panic attack...  it was so stinky and messy! Cole said he couldn't find clean undies because he put is wet lake soaked clothes on top of his clean laundry so he just wore the same outfit for48 hours straight.

After fishing half of Jeremiah's wardrobe out of his suitcase, Mom made him at least change his shirt. He was F I L T H Y!

Slightly better for the closing ceremony.

I begged Mom to go get Coley every day for 3 straight days, but if I'd known how sad he'd be to leave...  Okay, I would've still demanded she go get him :)

A few last chuckles with Chip.

A few funny camp songs for the parents.

The camp was FULL of Zion kids.  These are just the kids who went home after 3 days. Even more stayed the whole week!

And here we are, the best of friends. Thanks Camp Lakeview!

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