Saturday, May 16, 2015

Tigers Who Are More Like Pussycats

After hours and hours spent on the sidelines, it was finally my time to compete. Mom and Dad signed me up for soccer. As an added bonus, I got the BEST coach ever - Aunt Jo Jo!

How's life on the sidelines, bro?

Did you recognize Jackson in that last picture? Yep, Alex is on my team too!

That's Drake beside us. He is officially the most smiley kid alive.

Alex is a beast on the field!

This picture pretty much sums up my season. Everyone else runs after the ball, while I chillax until Mom and Dad start yelling. Then I pretend to run a bit.

See Mom? I'm running! I'm even running the same direction as everyone else!
Look Mom! Now I'm going to run really fast just  remind you that I can if I want to.

Oh and *Jonah* is on my team too!

We basically run around until we fall or until we get to do our favorite part of the game - water break.

Check that last comment. Snacks are most definitely our favorite pat of the game!

Soccer is awesome!

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