Friday, May 29, 2015

When I Grow Up, I Want to be Batman

What a big night for our little buddy. He made it to his pre school graduation!

He put on a great show for the parents. First, they showed us their memorization skills by reciting the pledge of allegiance.

Next came the alphabet song.

Jonah did a fantastic job too!

Then they called each student up individually. They said "When I grow up, I want to be..."  Only half of the kids felt comfortable speaking. B did a fantastic job. He marched right up there, took the mike and said "When I grow up, I want to be Batman."

Awesome job buddy! You'll make a great Batman one day.

More songs followed. Some of the kids were acting crazy, but Jonah and B were perfect angels.

The show was as fantastic as these two kiddos.

We're so proud of you boys!

Best Buds and pre school grads too!

Hard to get a good shot of these two, but they know more than just their ABCs. They know when to behave and when to have fun too.

Congratulations B! You've worked very hard these past 4 months and we're so proud of you. 

Bring on Pre-K!

Third Graders!

Of course, the whole reason Mom busts her butt to put together the End of School Sleepover, is to get this special photo.  Here we are at the end of Kindergarten.
The end of First Grade
And the end of Second Grade! Nobody has a beard yet, but we are certainly growing. Thankfully we're growing up and not apart. We are still best buds and always will be.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Mom has been very excited about a game she purchased for our sleepover. We were pumped too when we heard it was all about eating candy! Just spin the dial and pick a bean of the corresponding color.

Oh...  but there are N A S T Y options in there too!

Green could've been an awesome "juicy pear" but nope, I got "lawn clippings!" BLEAH

Jeremiah made some awesome faces. Here is "Baby Wipes."

The Momparazzi was thrilled!
This guy....  He loved every bean he ate! Mom had to smell his breath to tell if it was bad or not! This is how he reacted to "canned dog food!?"

Levi played it pretty cool too, but we could still tell when he was working through something gross like "Moldy Cheese."

"Toothpaste" was gross, but manageable.

And then we hit the motherload - Baby Wipes. At first it didn't seem so bad.

Then it attacked poor Jeremiah's taste buds with a vengeance!

Oh man. If we weren't laughing so hard, we might have been worried!
Then it got serious! Run, J, Run!!!
One man out. Thank goodness he spit it out before he puked. Mom was shocked that they were SO bad. I think she might write a sternly worded letter to the CEO of Jelly Belly if she ever stops giggling.
Levi held strong through another round.

And B just wanted more beans. Is it a coincidence that the two dairy and gluten free boys seem to be able to eat horrible things so easily?

For a picky eater, I was doing really well.

Until I picked a "booger." I could not go on after that.

Levi and B were the co-champions because Mom made us stop before someone lost their tacos. We argued that Seth was actually the winner because he was smart enough not to eat anything disgusting in the first place!

What Happens at the End of School Sleepover...

There are a few days on the Vandyville calendar we all REALLY look forward to. The Annual End of School Sleepover is definitely one of them!

It's pretty much a given that Seth, Jeremiah and Levi will be in our yard in their swimsuits on the last school night of every year.

This year, we got a few bonuses! #1. Mom invited our newest classmate Chase to come over and get to know us a little better. We are so excited to have him in our class in the fall.
#2. Brownie let us use her pool! We swam until the sun went down :)

In the morning, Seth pulled us all together to give us something special he'd made.

Thank you Seth!  Thank you Levi and Jeremiah too for being my best buds. Here's to another great year of school in the books.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

My Awesome Bro

Game balls, basketball stars and trophies are nice to get, but when you work very hard all year at school, Awards Day is a BIG DEAL. In our house, we look very forward to celebrating Coley's academic excellence at the end of the year.

He was awarded the highest level in math.

As were Levi, Katherine and Jeremiah. Great Job guys!

and this year, he was #2 in the class for reading minutes again but #4 for A/R points. Mom was especially proud of this one because Cole worked REALLY hard on his A/R points.

Levi and Catherine were on the Top 50 in the school list!

Coley got a first place for his artwork too!  We are so proud of our student athlete. If you know my big brother, you know he is also a pretty awesome person. Way to go bro!

Certificates just didn't seem to be enough for all the work he put in this year so Mom and Dad got Coley the best and biggest LEGO set he's ever asked for.  You earned it big bro!

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Look who spent the night at our place! We went to church, played hard, slept hard and had an awesome time together.

The Power of Cole

Today I decided I wanted to play chess. Mom said we didn't have a chess set but that certainly didn't stop me! I'm learning there's not much that can stop a creative mind like mine. Here's the LEGO chess set we made. Mom played two games with me to teach me, then had to quit because I beat her handily.  Sorry Ma!
Later on, I decided to take on an even bigger challenge and attempted to teach B and Jonah how to play.

B was not impressed when he learned the guys didn't actually kill each other. It may take an even greater mind to get him to play!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Baby Fulbright

You may think we're too young to fall in love, but nope! We all fell head over heels for this little guy today.

We asked Aunty Jamie if Fulbright could please be our baby cousin and she said Yes!

We held him, cuddled him and read to him. Just like the great big cousins we are :)