Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wet and Wild

The thing about Cole's friends is that they know Mom is crazy about them.  They managed to charm her into pulling out the waterslide from the basement.  Then they ransacked the house for swimsuits.  There may have been some swiping followed by some streaking too.

Eventually, we all found our way into some clothes and onto the slide.  Oh, but there was also a big cooler full of ICE nearby...

You know how this ends...  Ice battles!

And of course, these boys do not slide nicely on their butts....  no no.

They LAUNCH themselves down in every different angle they can think of.

See what I mean?
Jacob was the only sensible one.
He will likely outlive them all!
Jeremiah rarely stuck his landing.  Do you think that slowed him down?  Nope.

Between the flying ice and the flying big boys, I decided I was safer in the sunroom snuggled up with Tania.  See ya crazies later!

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