Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas #3 With Our Girls

Is it okay to still call them our girls?!  They look like lovely ladies now!  I have to admit, Coley and I lose our minds a little bit when this much cuteness is in our midst.

I did find a little time to ensure Kent was still up for the job of chief protecting officer for our girls.

Happy to report Swann Security services are still as strong as ever.

How do they know just what we REALLY want?!  Cole got a ton of new telepods!

Mom wouldn't let us pick out underwear for them.  We had to settle for the next best thing.

After all these years, they still find us amusing.

Nothing makes us happier than being with our family and these friends ARE family!

We sure do love them all.

Mom is slowly accepting the fact that they will likely soon get real boyfriends and she will have to abandon all hope of them marrying MUCH younger men.

but for now, they're still ALL ours!

Sorry KK.  The Momparazzi was a little out of control.

Oh.  Dad was there too.

The Traditional Holiday Photo was a little challenging this year.

As I said, we lose our minds around these girls!

They were very patient.  They always are.

I think this was right around the time Daddy reminded Mommy that he has always wanted a girl.

Then Mom reminded him that that part of the deal was up to HIS genetics.  They wouldn't explain any further.

You can probably feel Mom's anxiety just looking at these pictures!

I think this is where she threatened to cancel Christmas

Nothing we cannot handle!  Coley used his super cuteness powers to win her back over just long enough for me to deliver a solid jab to her eye, which did indeed swell up and cause an enormous headache just after it put a solid end to our pleasant evening.  Oh well, Merry Christmas anyway!

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