Thursday, April 25, 2013

Goin Buggy

Cole had a show last night and look who came!  I was so happy to see Grandma Pam.  I attached myself to her immediately and could not stop hugging her.

I think she was happy to see me too :)

The show was about being nice to bugs.  Cole was a firefly!

Um... not the most engaged firefly.  The boys seemed a little bored.

Micah and Levi were Bees.

Look who else came!  Uncle Kyle and Aunty Laura!

I was in heaven :)

There's Sydney too! 

The show was fantastic.  Here's Zeke, Cole and Jeremiah taking a well earned bow.

Cutest little firefly we've ever seen.

Here's the whole crew!

You'll never guess who the two best friends are.  That's Seth doing a running man and Cole doing a robot pose :)

Jeremiah and Cole got to stand by each other!  I kept yelling "HI COLEY, HI!"

Totally cool to see Cole and his best buds on stage.

Seriously... the time on stage AFTER the show was a highlight for Cole.

Look how many people came out to see my big bro!  Grandma Pam, Aunty Laura, Sydney, KK, Julie, Uncle Kyle, Me, Daddy and of course Mom is behind the camera :)

We had an afterparty at our house with Uncle Kyle and Aunty Laura.  I was in heaven :)

Seth and Cole did more posing for the Moms back in our classroom.  They kept yelling BEST BUDDIES every time.

They were just begging to be photo bombed!

Okay, I'm a best buddy too!  Mom was so proud when she heard another Mom tell her boys "See, that's how you two are supposed to be!" 

Thank you so much for coming to watch my awesome big brother everyone! 
Good Job Cole!

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