Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day in Vandyville

Yesterday, we added some trees to the Vandyville landscape in honor of Earth Day and our oh so boring landscape!  Dad planted two Honeycrisp apple trees for us and 5 other trees across the back.

We helped of course!  B did a lot of watering and I helped shovel and pat down the dirt.  Of COURSE B pretended the hose was a gun.  He's a boy isn't he?!

This shot was taken shortly before he soaked me to the bone.

Which prompted me to soak him right back.

Wardrobe changes followed.  We were right back at it though!

We can't wait for the new trees to start growing!  We were very proud to show them to our lovely Aunt Laura who came to see us after dinner.  The Momparazzi didn't get any shots, but we asked her to PLEASE come back this week so we'll be sure to capture some moments then :)

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