Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tips From a World Class Sneak!

I find the best way to commit a crime is in the nude.  It's also best to act when surveilance is distracted.
For example, Dad was running a bath for me, so I quickly and quietly slipped out to sneak a few extra chocolate chips from his cake.  Unbeknownst to me... there were TWO guards on duty.  One of them had surveilance equipment!  I was totally busted.

 Luckily, it was a female guard.  I'm not trying to be sexist or anything, but when you get a lady guard, your first approach should always be to dazzle with cuteness.  The ladies are a sucker for cuties!
Okay that totally didn't work on this lady.  Yeesh!  I had to go for plan B. which is to make a run for it!

Plan B also failed!  I had no choice but to resort to scaring her with my Monster pose.

This guard was no joke...  I'm sad to say I was apprehended white handed and sent straight to the tub for corporal punishment.  It's hard work to be sneaky around here!

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