Sunday, January 20, 2013


Mom ditched us again this week.  Dad is pretty awesome, but let's face it.  When it's two little Vandys vs. one big one, there's not much of a game.  She rolled in late Friday night and we were in full on party mode!  So happy to see her but wow.. the morning was rough.  I was NOT happy to be woken up at 8:30 for Coley's basketball game.

Whatever Mom...  Gimmemahwafflesandlemmealone.

And... as usual... Cole was sunshine and smooches.  Whatever bro!

Today, I'm much happier and sillier and rowdier and basically, back to normal so I'm helping Mom put the house back to normal too.  Kitchen trashed - check!  Laundry piled up - check!  Cat food dish overflowing - check!  Markers scattered about - check!  Playroom in natural disaster state - check!

After a week of overpowering Offense, I was pretty confident.  Mom still went about cleaning and cooking and trimming nails, cleaning boogies, washing hair and swabbing ears.  I was quickly losing the upper hand!  So... when Mom took a break to help Cole color a batman and two-face picture, I decided to be two face myself!

I colored my face, my head, my hand, my neck and even my mouth.  Okay and the carpet too...   Mom wiped as much as she could up and told me to be ready for an all out scrub down tonight in the bath.  Sigh... this is shaping up to be a battle I cannot win.

While Mom was busy resetting the house and her boys, Cole was busy on his LEGO museum take-over.

Mom originally gave him two shelves.  As if that's enough!  He has now taken over his dresser, B's dresser, the reading nook, the armoire and Mom's desk with more LEGO creations.  Surprisingly, admission has not gone up!  I have a feeling we will all be living in LEGO world in the near future.

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