Monday, June 25, 2012

18 Months

I'm 18 Months today!  As is typical of all little Vandy's, I'm a rowdy, active, VERY talkative little man.
I love to play.  Cole and I love to wrestle, yell, be silly and play pretend.  We're the best of friends STILL.
I am a champion talker as well.  I can say anything you ask me to say.  I know how to say "Open Please, Close, Airplane, Hot and I understand many complex commands such as "put it in the garbage!"

And, I'm still cute as a button!  I love to cuddle, can hug and kiss like none other and love my Mama and Daddy to bits and pieces.
Other Favorites:
food - beef, chicken, broccoli, grapes and milk
toys - balls, cars and trains
people - cole, bugga, daddy and mom
pets - Boots and Bella, graham and sammy
words - Uh oh, Bye-Bye, Cooooolllleeee, Mama, Daddy, Airplane, Car and Up
Life is pretty good at 1.5.  Sweeter everyday that I get to know this world a little better.

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