Sunday, November 28, 2010

Double Date

Mom is getting to be less and less fun on the weekends.  She never wants to wrestle, run, throw me around, play bad guys or ANYTHING anymore.  I think my girls must've known how desperate I was getting for something to do on Saturday because they called and invited me to the movies.  What guy would turn down a double date to the movies with these two babes?!  We went to a chick flick called "Tangled" and for some reason, they all wore these crazy glasses...  KK looked super cool in hers (of course).  I didn't want to wear mine though.
Thanks for getting me out of this snoozefest, girls!  I can't wait to go back to school on Monday for some FUN!
PS.  YES, the Momparazzi smuggles her camera into the movies!  Can you believe that lady?  Her phone went off in the middle of the flick too.  I pretended not to know her.  Yeesh...

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