Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Bud!

One of my favorite big kids in the whole wide world had a birthday party at the fire station on Sunday.  Parker turned 5!
I had a great time at his party.  Here I am playing pin the arc reactor on Iron Man.

He got a lot of great loot, which he invited me over to check out at his afterparty!

I was pumped to give him my present - a giant Superhero writing and reading book and a Captain America shirt.  You can probably tell why we're such good friends.
PS.  That's Parker's Mommy.  She's another one of my crushes.  That's his super cool big sis Alyssa in the background too.

After presents were opened, I helped clean up.

Which earned me a giant piece of this awesome Superhero cake!  For those of you who don't live and breathe all things Marvel like we do at our house, the top layer is Spiderman, Middle is Captain America, and the bottom layer is Wolverine.  A Super cake, to be sure!

I got a nice big slice of Wolvering cake.  It was fantastic.

Happy Birthday Bud!

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