Sunday, November 28, 2010

Double Date

Mom is getting to be less and less fun on the weekends.  She never wants to wrestle, run, throw me around, play bad guys or ANYTHING anymore.  I think my girls must've known how desperate I was getting for something to do on Saturday because they called and invited me to the movies.  What guy would turn down a double date to the movies with these two babes?!  We went to a chick flick called "Tangled" and for some reason, they all wore these crazy glasses...  KK looked super cool in hers (of course).  I didn't want to wear mine though.
Thanks for getting me out of this snoozefest, girls!  I can't wait to go back to school on Monday for some FUN!
PS.  YES, the Momparazzi smuggles her camera into the movies!  Can you believe that lady?  Her phone went off in the middle of the flick too.  I pretended not to know her.  Yeesh...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Third Annual "I am Thankful" Post

Yesterday was Thanksgiving at my house.  I got up early and got dressed up to go to church with Baba and Didi.  I begged and pleaded with Mom and Dad to let me bring Santa to church, but they wouldn't let me so I had to bring all my snakes instead.

Afterward, Baba and Didi came over to play with me some more!  The grown ups ate a huge meal of weird stuff, and I kept everyone entertained.  It's truly a family effort to put holidays on ;)

Anyway, here are the things I am thankful for this year:

1.  My parents, my kitties and my soon to arrive baby brother (32 days or less).
2.  My grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins.
3.  My awesome friends and neighbors.
4.  My school and all the teachers and kids there.
5.  My country.
6.  My home, food, toys and comfortable life.
7.  Spiderman
8.  Licorice
9.  Snowmen
10.  God

Mom may have added more than a few of those herself, but I am a grateful kid and I hope you're all feeling as blessed as I am this Holiday Season!

Cabin Fever

It's COLD outside!  Daddy and I have been finding ways to amuse ourselves indoors.

It's never dull when Dad's around!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Bud!

One of my favorite big kids in the whole wide world had a birthday party at the fire station on Sunday.  Parker turned 5!
I had a great time at his party.  Here I am playing pin the arc reactor on Iron Man.

He got a lot of great loot, which he invited me over to check out at his afterparty!

I was pumped to give him my present - a giant Superhero writing and reading book and a Captain America shirt.  You can probably tell why we're such good friends.
PS.  That's Parker's Mommy.  She's another one of my crushes.  That's his super cool big sis Alyssa in the background too.

After presents were opened, I helped clean up.

Which earned me a giant piece of this awesome Superhero cake!  For those of you who don't live and breathe all things Marvel like we do at our house, the top layer is Spiderman, Middle is Captain America, and the bottom layer is Wolverine.  A Super cake, to be sure!

I got a nice big slice of Wolvering cake.  It was fantastic.

Happy Birthday Bud!

Friday, November 19, 2010

It's Beginning a Little Early This Year....

Mom is a little paranoid about the entire month of December and Baby Brother's arrival.  Once again, she used her giant belly to get her way with poor Daddy.  So, it was up to the attic for him last night.  He hauled down all the Christmas decorations and let me help him outside with the lights.

Mom and I put a tree up in my room just for me!

And... Mom says she finally found the perfect Advent Calendar.  This doesn't look ANYTHING like a calendar to me - and I should know -  I work on calendar stuff everyday at pre-school!!  The rumor is that once it's December, treats will go in these little buckets, so I am not about to start arguing semantics in any way.

Dad's job list also included Christmas Tree Wrangling.  He threw this guy together in no time, and Mom and I spent hours making it pretty.  Dad also had to put up the Santa Pottery Scene that Grandma made because of Mom and her silly belly again.  I'll have to get me one of those.  It's amazing what she gets away with!!
Hope your homes are looking and feeling as festive and cozy as ours is!  What a great time of year.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Goooooooooo Cole!

After dinner and pictures, we all got in the car and went to my school!

It was time for my first ever performance.  Mom told me they were all going to say "Go Cole" so I asked her "Is I'm going to kick the ball?"  Just like KK and Sydney!!  It was standing room only in the gym.  There were so many families there to see our show.  Mom cried before it even got started!

Here I am standing next to my buddy Braylon.  Most of us guys just stood there staring off into space.  The girls were all about singing and doing whatever else it was they were doing. 

Mom said I was the best looking kid up there.  Yeesh... Moms.

I jumped off the stage a little early and announced I needed a potty break when Pastor was giving his message.  Braylon wasn't far behind.  Hey - when you gotta go, you gotta go!

Mom used her big belly to push her way to a seat on the floor RIGHT in front.  I kept pointing her out to my friends, even though it was pretty obvious that she had the video camera in her left hand and the camera in her right hand BOTH pointed right at me the entire show.  Afterwards, Daddy came up and told me how proud he was of me.  I was pretty happy to have such a great cheering section!

Grandma and Bugga had to drive all the way home to their house afterwards.  They must love me a whole bunch, eh?  Aunty Lydia too!  What a lucky kid I am...  Thanks for coming everyone!

And here's a little video of part of the show.  Mom just loves the difference between the boy's engagement and girl's.

What a week it's been!  Mom says we have MORE fun coming this weekend and next week.  I'm LOVING this month!

Thanksgiving #1

Not long after Vann left, I got MORE company!!  Bugga and Grandma showed up with lots of love and goodies ALL for me!!  Bugga and I sat down to read my book that has he and Grandma's voices in it!

I helped Grandma fix my mattress pad.  That lady can do it all!

Everyone thought Bugga and I were taking a quick nap together, but I was having a great time stacking all the pillows on top of him and placing my guys in fun places like under his arms and on his head.  Tee Hee!

Then ANOTHER favorite showed up - Aunty Lydia!  I am crazy about her!!

She's super strong, and pretty and fun.  My kinda girl.  Look out Taylor!

Oops...  This one is almost a little risque ;)

We have so much fun together!

Madly in love... what can I say??

Here's a nice picture of our family.  Bet you're wondering why I took an early bath and we all got dressed up.  Keep reading!

My Buddy Sleeps Over!

Read this post from the bottom up...

and we woke up happy as can be!  Thanks for a super time Vann!  Come back again tomorrow night, okay?

Dad snuggled up with us on our giant couch bed until we fell asleep.
No tears from these two tough guys!

Before we knew it, it was time for bed.  Here we are getting all cleaned up like the big boys we are.

Bad guys don't stand a CHANCE with us around!

We are both HUGE spidey fans.  We made webs and tied up this bad guy!  This picture didn't turn out, but you get the idea and Mom thinks Vann looks absolutely adorable here.

Mom thinks Vann is a GREAT influence on me - especially when it comes to meal time.  That guy sits nicely and eats like a champ.  Um... not me!  We did get away with plenty of fart noises and burps at the table.  It was a special occasion...

We were all testosterone all night.  We fought, did acrobatic moves, tried to lift each other up, and ran around like maniacs.

Vann is super polite.  He even brought the movie!

In case you're wondering just how big and 'sponsible I am, just look at this entry!  I hosted my first sleepover this week!  Of course, I invited my good buddy Vann to be the first guy to spend the night.  We had an AWESOME time playing with every single toy I own.

Gingerbread House Drama

Last Sunday, Mom and I sat down to complete our traditional Gingerbread House.  It was an absolute disaster and Mom was really upset about it.  Unfortunately, she took it out on poor me by being really short tempered and snippy!!  That ordeal was a huge failure and I was a little scarred from the whole thing.

Luckily, Mom felt bad enough about it that she took the failed project back to the store and came home with a new "pre-assembled" house!  I didn't want a whole lot to do with it (understandably), so she had to make this year's house solo.  That's what you get Mommy!  I did add my Gingerbread guy and a few treats, but I thought it best to steer clear of that lady and her Gingerbread House attempt.  Maybe next year, lady.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

C'mon Boys!

After a rough first half of the season, we are all hoping and praying for no more injuries for our boys in blue.  Even Boots is putting in a few words.

I'm really tough and love to tackle.  Maybe I'll give Mr. Polian a call and see if I can help out.

These videos are for my godfather and any other scouts who might be out there.  What do you think of my moves, Coach?  Am I Archer material yet?

Boys and Girls

This weekend was all about Boys and Girls.  Friday night was "Girls Night" for me because my favorite ladies Sydney, KK and Julie came over for pizza and games.  Of course, the Dads hung out and played Wii and talked.  I was too busy entertaining the ladies :)  I kept saying "Hey!  Look at all these GIRLS!" over and over again.  What a great night :).  I can't believe the Momparazzi slacked off and didn't take pictures - especially when the Dad's were going at it in boxing :)
Saturday was all about shopping, shopping, shopping.  I swear Moms have ESP, because I was SO good all day and Vann's Mommy just knew it! She called to ask if we could come over and play.  Of course, my Mom said "YES!" since I was such a good boy for her.  Vann's house was a BIG testoterone fest.  We wrestled, wrestled, wrestled.  It was the greatest time!

Jared and Chase came too!  Here we are taking on Wolverine.  The three of us boys could not be stopped.

After dinner, Jared and I put on a little Santa show for everyone.  We were super silly, just like boys are!

The Mommies and Daddies finally got us settled down for a showing of Toy Story 3 in the living room.  We all had fantastic seats, popcorn, drinks and cookies.  What a great place!

Thanks for the treat Vann's Mommy and Daddy.  I sure do like visiting you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I AM a Good Boy!!

You won't believe what the brown truck brought to MY house today!  A giant Santa from my awesome godmother Marianne!!  I love him SO much.  I made sure to tell him I AM a good boy.  I know someone thinks I am - Thank you SO much Aunty Marianne.  Love you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I happen to have just gotten up from a late nap when the big box arrived, so excuse the grogginess, but Mom wanted to be sure you see just how much I love my present, Aunty Marianne!  I took him all around the house and then sat down to watch a Santa movie with him.  We've been inseperable ever since he arrived!!