Saturday, October 9, 2010

Real Life Superheroes continued

Today was an AWESOME day!  My good friends Vann and Stella (and my super crush "Vann's Mommy) came over bright and early.  We went out to see some more real life superheroes - Firemen!  We got to ride over to the firestation at the very front of a firetruck!

We saw "holy moly" who warned us to make sure our super Daddies always call before they dig.

There were firemen everywhere.  They were all super friendly and took plenty of time to make sure we had a fantastic time.

This lady brought a whole Jeep full of weird animals like snakes, lizards and guinea pigs for us to see.  I met my friends Isaac and Courney (pink and green) from swimming lessons there.

We had to do a lot of listening in the fire safety house.  The Fireman told us all about making sure our homes were safe.  I got a little bored and had to sit down.

Then we all pretended we were in the living room watching t.v. 

All of a sudden there was a lot of smoke!!  We knew what to do - "Get Low and Go!"

Mommy's favorite part was when the medical helicopter landed in the field right behind the fire station.  We got to stand pretty close and see it come right in.  It was SUPER cool.

It pays to be super cute!  Vann, Stella and I got to get right IN the helicopter and the EMTs even buckled us in!  I could tell Mom was a little jealous since she's really old and has yet to sit in a helicopter herself.  Sorry 'bout your luck Mom.

We went in a giant fire truck bounce house training obstacle course, and then jumped away in another bounce house.  We were all getting a little tired at that point.  How do these firemen DO it?!

Then, MY favorite part came around.  We got to dress up in real firemen's clothes!

AND we got to work a real fire hose!

Vann had a turn too!

Stella was the cutest little firelady ever!

We were all very good kids and we had a fantastic time together. 
Thank you Firemen for putting on such a great day for us!  See you next year!

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