Saturday, October 2, 2010

Devious Plans

 Mom and I have been working on plans to expand our living space for some time.  Of course, we have differing motives, BUT the end result is the same so we're teaming up.  I want a basement so I can fill it up with toys and comfy furniture like at Grandma and Papa's houses.  She wants a basement so she can put all toys and JUNK down there out of sight.  This morning, we came up with a sure fire plan.
I was SO fired up about it that I broke into my Spidey moves and did them all over the house. 
Who knew bacon, bananas and Superhero vitamins packed SO much power?!
Get ready to dig, Daddy!

PS.  Mom is aware of the true genius behind this plan.  Her role is just to keep feeding ME!

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