Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Field Trip!

Today was Field Trip Day. We got to go to The Children's Museum!

Mrs. Custis tried to put Keeton in my group, but I said "Oh no... my mom would NOT like that!" So he got moved to Emmit's group. That left just me in my group with Mom and Tania both as chaperones :)

They took pity on Emmit's poor Dad. Emmit and I spent our time exploring like we were supposed to, so one adult stayed with us. The other two spent the ENTIRE DAY just trying not to lose Keeton.

The circus exhibit was my fave.

Look! A rare Keeton sighting!

I would make a great clown if I liked people and wasn't always grumpy.

I had NO idea how most things worked.

But when you're the lucky kid with two chaperones to himself, you get the full museum experience.

Some kids think museums are low impact, low fun activities. Not me!

Not Papa Abernathy either! He dug right in!

Who are these yahoos and where are my responsible chaperones?!

After much smack talk, one of the highlights of the trip was our EPIC snowball fight. The grownups swear they won, but we feel that claim is unsubstantiated.

There is nothing better than a day away from classes with my best buddies.
Thanks Mom and TL! What a fun day!

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