Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Perks of Life in The Ridge

Lots of neighborhoods have unique selling features. Here in the Ridge, we have decided to offer "Free Pumpkin Disposal" to all of our residents. We went door to door with our wheelbarrow and gathered up the old pumpkins.

Then we disposed of them responsibly. As only children aged 7-12 can do.

The weapons of destruction varied as greatly as the shapes, sizes and colors of the pumpkins themselves. We used bow and arrows, feet, bats, rakes, shovels and brute strength to smash those pumpkins thoroughly.

When we're talking about Bristol Ridge residents, we know they expect the best. We made sure to deliver just that!

It was hard work. Backbreaking. We really hated it.... 
Okay that last part may have been a lie :)
Those pumpkins were annihilated! We made sure all guts made it into the field for compost.
If your neighborhood doesn't offer this service, are you really getting the most out of life?!

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