Wednesday, November 29, 2017


3/4 of us headed across the street to the second home in our Parkview Drive complex for Mama Siler's bday tonight.
There were party people, party foods and we brought along a party game!

Who knew Mrs. Vance was so flexible!?

Anyone who knows my little brother, knows this is NOT the best place to be.

Luckily, wrestling has been forcing my body into extremely uncomfortable positions. I am now a Twister Champ!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Perks of Life in The Ridge

Lots of neighborhoods have unique selling features. Here in the Ridge, we have decided to offer "Free Pumpkin Disposal" to all of our residents. We went door to door with our wheelbarrow and gathered up the old pumpkins.

Then we disposed of them responsibly. As only children aged 7-12 can do.

The weapons of destruction varied as greatly as the shapes, sizes and colors of the pumpkins themselves. We used bow and arrows, feet, bats, rakes, shovels and brute strength to smash those pumpkins thoroughly.

When we're talking about Bristol Ridge residents, we know they expect the best. We made sure to deliver just that!

It was hard work. Backbreaking. We really hated it.... 
Okay that last part may have been a lie :)
Those pumpkins were annihilated! We made sure all guts made it into the field for compost.
If your neighborhood doesn't offer this service, are you really getting the most out of life?!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Goodwill On Earth

Okay this entry isn't about US, but we did help so....
Mom and Dad went out on a Goodwill Date Night last night. We had an absolute blast picking their outfits at Goodwill!

The Vance's looked fantastic in their Thrift Store Threads.

And Mom said it wasn't all that fair that she was the only hideous participant, but wowsah.... they definitely drew attention!
While they were out trolling the streets, they popped into ANOTHER thrift store and Dad fell in love with this coat he was told made him look just like Connor MacGregor.
SPOILER ALERT:  Mom and I snuck back to this very store a couple of days later and picked it up for him.
There were all kinds of goodies there!
What a fun night with some fun people. Our parents sure do have great friends.

Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for all the wonderful people in our lives.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sugar and Spice

In case you're wondering... No, we have not changed a bit. One of us is still full of sugar and the other is still full of spice. You can work out which is which :)

Friday, November 10, 2017


You know Miss B is a little afraid of... well everyone.
There is one person outside our family who she has always loved 150% and that is our Chloe. They even have matching jackets! They really are BFFs and could be twins.
We love her too Bristol!

'Tis the Season

About 48 hours after the spiderwebs and skeletons go back into their bins, Mom usually starts hauling out the Christmas stuff. One of us prefers the creepy crawly spooky stuff, while the other loves the twinkling magical nativity stuff. Place your bets either way :)

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Lunch Date

Today was my turn for a surprise visit from Mom at lunch time! Nolan's Mom came too!

They may have gotten chewed out by an extra sassy first grade girl for breaking every lunch room rule there is, but they didn't mind. See what we have to deal with?!

And at the end of lunch, Mom witnessed a genuine miracle. I got up WITHOUT fuss and cleaned!
I know what you're thinking.... No this is not a stunt double. I am capable of working a broom. Breathe normally now...

Monday, November 6, 2017


Mom and I love all things creepy. Imagine our delight when we found fake blood on clearance!
It tastes like death itself, but it looks pretty awesome, no?

Friday, November 3, 2017

Pin Up Girl

As you know, our little gal is pretty insecure. A lifetime of neglect and abuse will do that to anyone. Her tail is permanently tucked and she is pretty much glued to her Mama. So...  we decided a nice warm jacket would help her feel a little more secure. Of course, she looks FABULOUS in it! Work it girl!