Friday, September 15, 2017

Jay Strong

So Mom signed up to chaperone our zoo field trip. Unfortunately, she got the rowdiest group possible!
For our group shot, she told us to line up with the gentlemen she felt sure would be seeing us out.

We were ALL over that place. Mom's standards quickly went from "deliver a quality learning experience" to "keep them alive."

Elliot ended up soaked in shark tank water, Zayden kept disappearing and Ethan got in a fight with a kid from another group!

Meanwhile, Mom and I plodded along filling out our homework sheet. I think she must've hugged me and apologized for calling me wild/immature 1,000,000 times.

Mom told Mrs. T that she really should disclose the groups when asking for volunteers going fwd. I think she may have had regrets! :)

Seriously, this is what my classmates looked like most of the day.

And this is what Mom looked like.

She did manage not to hurt anyone, so we're calling it a win.

And I really did win, because she called Dad and told him they could never yell at me again because she now knew how bad they COULD have it.

Even the Orangutan couldn't bare to watch.

And to put it all in perspective...
My classmate Zayden (pictured here after convincing the caricature artist to sketch him for free) had a blue rubber bracelet on his arm. It said "Jay Strong."  Mom asked "Who is Jay?"
Z: "Oh that's my brother."
Mom: (thinking he has cancer or something awful) "Oh no! What's wrong?"
Z: "He's in Juvie."
Mom: "Uh.... Juvie?"
Z: "Yep!"
Mom: "Oh.  well...  Um.. How long is he there?"
Z: "2 years. He stole my mom's car so he'll be there until he's 20."
Mom: "Ah. Okay. Well then...  Um...  Stay Strong!"

So, you know...  You just never do know what other kid's lives are like. Mom and I both left the zoo a whole lot more grateful for the family we have.

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