Monday, May 29, 2017

We Remember

Well it's Memorial Day so Mom loaded us all up and took us over to the war memorial that our veterans have been working so hard on.
Papa's brick isn't there yet, but we made sure to stop at the Army stone and gave him a salute to thank him.
Then we went around and read every last thing there was to read about the soldiers who died for us. Mom was bawling by the end of it, so we suggested a trip to the playground to lighten the mood.

If there's a way to approach a playground that isn't running full force into it, we are unaware. Unfortunately, we have had non stop rain and the mulch was secretly holding a cesspool of nastiness. Whatever lives in there likes to eat flip flops. Ours were G O N E.

We spent a lot of time digging in the mess to find our shoes.

No joke. It was absolutely disgusting. Coley managed to rescue both of his flip flops but one of mine was just lost to the mulch monster. Talk about a memorable trip to the war memorial!

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