Saturday, December 24, 2016

Closing Out Christmas Eve Duties

After church we had a couple of Christmas Eve gifts to open.

Mom broke our awesome Cookies for Santa plate from Grandma Pam, so she replaced it!

This one comes with a chalkboard so you can write santa a message!

B went first.

and I wrapped it up. We also got a special milk container for the big dude.

and note our new Christmas Jammies, which we thought felt exactly like spy gear.

so of course, spy moves were in order!

Outside to put the reindeer food on the lawn (out of Rowan's reach of course).

and move spy moves because we just can't help ourselves.

It's not as easy to see the food when there's no snow, but I think the reindeer know we take care of them in Vandyville!

Mom had to drag our ninja butts inside before the neighbors called the cops.

Cookies out - Check!

Carrots - check
Milk - check

Did I just hear something?!  No...  not yet.

Teeth brushed - check

Night Before Christmas book read - check

This was Mom's first year not reading it to us. I don't think anyone else even noticed.

All that was left to do was wait.
Except...  we may or may not have set a trap.

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