Saturday, October 1, 2016

Return to Lark Ranch

October means it's time for our annual trip to Lark Ranch. Some things never change - like our willingness to take nice photos.

Or our exuberance for gem mining.

I think Daddy likes this station best of all.

But there were new things this year too!

Like this cool new tree house.

Can you find the little Vandy in this picture?

We were all set to take a nice photo until I realized that my head was lodged up against the cow's booty. Yikes!

Also new! Look who came with us this year! Uncle Scott and his super new girlfriend Kiley. She is a TON of fun and we adore her.

Here we are at Lark Ranch in 2013



As you can see, there are plenty of things that change and some that stay the same :) 
Happy Fall!

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