Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hibachi Ninjas

Mom and Dad took us out for Hibachi as a reward for being pretty good while they shopped today. Hibachi is awesome because they give you weapons and let you watch grown ups throw stuff around and play with fire.

This place gave us "chopstick helpers" but Coley refused to use them and instead practiced until he was able to eat edamame with chopsticks like a pro. We had a delicious meal and would definitely recommend this place if we had any idea what it was called.

Water Park

It's no secret that Mom loves waterparks so we decided to give her the gift of a trip to one while we were on vacation. I did a little meditating (like the Ninja Turtles) on the way there.

We loved the obstacle course (just like American Ninja Warrior). I went with the slow and steady approach after watch a LOT of big kids bite it using the "full steam ahead" approach.

Coley went with option 3 - the monkey approach. He made it!

Then he talked himself into the high dive!

The Big Man did it too!  Mom decided to show off and do an actual dive. She ended up losing the bottom of her swimsuit and showing off a whole lotta booty instead!  Oops.

While Mom and Dad took turns on the slides with Cole, I danced and fought the sprinkler.

We also spent a lot of time in the lazy river. What a fun day. Hope you enjoyed it Ma!

Pool Fun

We had so much fun just lounging around in the pool. Especially once Mom and Dad bought us this giant orange inflatable popsicle.

Then it was GAME ON! We had so much fun fighting over it and relaxing on it.

The big man even convinced me to let him launch me. I think Daddy had more fun than I did.

I   F L E W!!

Coley doesn't get up so high anymore. Sorry 'bout yer luck big bro.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Vacation Day 2

Today we hit Ft. Myers Beach and had a blast! We parked right on the beach and spent a few hours just enjoying the perfect sand and water. The ocean floor was absolutely covered in orange sized live sand dollars! We were actually a little sad because we couldn't help stepping on them. Mom even scared up a sting ray so we got to see him too. A guy sitting close to us found a big starfish. It was really cool to see all of the ocean life up close.
We finished the day with a trip to the movies. We saw Angry Birds, but definitely couldn't pass this display without striking a pose. So far, it's been the perfect combination of sun and relaxation.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Vacation Day 1

The big day is finally here! We are off to Florida! Mom and Dad were pretty glad to see us strap on our "one personal item" each with no complaints.

Not our first flight by a long shot, but we were still super excited.

Our first flight was awesome because we had a virgin flyer who was also a really funny screamer. That lady was fantastic!

Early the next morning, Mom and I went out to buy groceries. It was so early that even Cole wasn't up yet and Target wasn't open! No problem, we went out for coffee.

Later on, we hit the pool. It was so much fun until Mom and Dad drug us out because of a little bit of thunder and lightning. We made the most of it by putting on a gun show for all the retirees.

Mom asked Cole to pose for a nice picture for Grandma.

And another one!

Still going!

I can't help myself.

Cole finally gave up and just made the same face Mom and Dad were making. They think I'm nuts. I probably am :)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Awards Ceremony

Mom had 2 surprises waiting for us when we got off the bus today. The first one was a nice warm batch of "Chloe cookies" and the second was something I've been waiting to do FOR EV ER!

We gathered all the 'hood rats.

and put as many Mentos into a bottle of Diet coke as we could get.

Chloe did Round 2.

Most of us quickly dodged the explosion.

Except Liam, who went right in for a drink :)  We were begging for more!

Well all of us except this guy who didn't get to come and did NOT like the fact that he couldn't get to us. Sorry Row!

Summer Work

Now that school is out, Mom has me busting my butt! I have to do homework every day! Today I decided to write a story.
I didn't get all that far because it takes me about 20 minutes to write one word.

I also have to vacuum and pooper scoop and help with the garbage and work on my letters!

I don't mind some days and other days I fight it every single minute.

but I'm getting good! Kindergarten is going to be a breeze!

4th Grader

and.... that's a wrap!  Mrs. Brown sent home a picture I drew of myself at the beginning of the year. For some reason I wanted to play tennis?
and my end of year self portrait and description. Doesn't every kid crave toast above all else? 

As well as a little graph showing how much I progressed in my reading (a lot).

Here I am off to finish things off in style. I randomly picked the same shirt I wore on Day 1!  Mom sent gifts for Mrs. Brown to thank her for being so kind and pulling me through a rough year, and Mrs. Lynch who is the world's BEST bus driver.

Thanks for a great year! I can't wait to get back to 4th grade!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Rubiks Whiz

I'm getting closer and closer to solving this Rubiks cube. Now I can get any color you tell me within 1 minute. Mom bought me a new speed cube as a present for great grades. Lookout!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Pay Dirt

B is a really big fan of digging in the field for treasure. Yesterday Mom and Chloe snuck out and actually buried some for him to find. It was my job to 1. Keep him distracted long enough for them to bury it and 2. Get him out there to dig it up.

His hole was FULL of gems and treasures.

B was SO excited!

They put a LOT of stuff in there.

When I finally realized where they got the gems (my personal stash) I was a little annoyed, but it was worth the look on B's face.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wolf Boy

All over the news, people are talking about "identifying" as something different. Well I happen to identify as a wolf! This means I need large quantities of red meat or "real meat" in order to survive. I tried to order a piece of "cow or pig with blood - not cooked" at El Jaripeo the other day, but I was totally discriminated against. They brought me cooked steak!  I'm thinking about filing a lawsuit or starting a social media war. Stay tuned.

For Mom

Mom's favorite part of my end of school sleepover is breakfast the next morning because boy do my friends appreciate a good breakfast!