Friday, November 27, 2015

We Are So Very Thankful

After dropping Rowan off at his doggie hotel, we were off to Grandmas! We came a night early so we could get some time in with them before...

The mayhem of family!!  Here we are at the kid's table with poor Shayla and Sue who are stuck with us.

As you can see, we are not the most dignified dinner guests. After Daddy finished his "to do" list around the house and Mom helped clean up after dinner, we were off to Papa and Nana's.

Two generations of Vandy men. Mom loves it when they're all together. Hey!  Put your phones down!

Nana helped B entertain Bobey. He was pretty tired when we left the next morning!

I always have a lot to talk to my Papa about.

Almost got three generations of Vandy handsomeness in this one.

Bobey was much easier to rough house with than Rowan!

Mom made us strike a pose since we looked kind of nice. Blue Steel from me and...  Oh B...
Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you got to spend it with the ones you love too.

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