Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Big Playah

After 3.5 years of sitting on the sidelines cheering for Coley, it's finally my turn to take the field!  I am definitely NOT a big fan of my coach's two hour t-ball practices (neither is Mom), but I've learned the ladies love a baseball player so I take full advantage of that!

I also do a LOT of hat adjusting.

I must be pretty important because there is almost always one coach devoted just to me. Mom says they're trying to keep me from getting hit in the head with a ball because I'm staring off into la la land, but I think they know I'm a pretty big deal.

I'm very good at running after the ball when it rolls right past me. I like to grab it and hold onto it until ALL the fans are watching me and my glove is on just right and my hat is on just right.  Then and only then do I give the fans the picture perfect throw/pose.

I guess I didn't realize how much standing around in the hot sand baseball involved...

The hardest part of the game is to pay attention to the NOTHING that's happening. I didn't think anyone would mind if I took a little snooze.

WATER BREAK!  The highlight of the game!!

I get to bat twice per game.  These are my big moments.
My personal "player placer" is always on hand to ensure I am standing on the right side of the base, facing the right direction.

Then I stand there until the ball is somewhere in the general vicinity of the plate and give er a BIG swing! I do this about 20 times until they bring the tee out. 

Then I smack that ball and drag my feet so as to maximize the amount of sand in the air while I head towards first.

Today I played pitcher's helper too.  I told Dad "I look ridiculous" when he put all the gear on me, but Mom insisted it was necessary for a kid who gets hurts as often as I do.

My personal "player placer" was right there with me.
He sure does like to move me around a lot!

They're pretty picky about facing forward and standing up in baseball.

It takes as many coaches and helpers as players, but t-ball is totally worth it.
Here's to finally getting in the game!

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