Saturday, April 25, 2015

First Stop: Hotlanta!

Day One:  We drove and drove and drove and drove until we stopped at the cutest house we could find in Hotlanta. Out came "the guy!" Daddy and Uncle Mike were pretty happy to see each other.
We were excited to see our gorgeous Aunty Kat!

She knew just what we needed after sitting in the truck all day - a trip to the park.

Coley immediately started in with the dare devil tricks.

While I climbed a mountain.

Coley decided to work on his air time.

Not bad bro!

He went over and over and over again.

Thank you "the guy" for wearing him out.

Looks like it's time to perfect the lay-up

I decided to get crazy on the swings instead.

I got "the guy" to push me.

I gave him plenty of feedback "go faster, go higher, no, not like that, like THIS."

Then I cussed him out for going TOO high and TOO fast. It's alright "the guy" I still had big plans to sleep with you.

We never pass up an opportunity to pose. "Mom!  Take a picture. I'm the pressiden United States!"

Future leaders of America

On the way home, Coley took over camera duties. This is why we saw so many pictures of mailboxes and fire hydrants.

Atlanta doesn't mess around when it comes to mailbox security

I kept the Momparazzi busy

Another unique specimen

Mom had to pull Coley out of this yard. He was trying to get a close up of the giant cactus.

More fascinating mailboxes

There were a lot

and of course, this was Mom's favorite Atlanta find. A little book exchange center!

Uncle Mike and Aunty Kat are so awesome that they let Mom and Dad go for a run while they gave us a bath and settled us in. Each morning of vacation, Coley had to work diligently on homework, but Mom made sure he sat down and focused.

Even amidst the most challenging distractions

Uncle Mike (the guy) made us an awesome breakfast and we were soon back on the road.  Thanks for the sleepover Uncle Mike and Aunty Kat! We love you.

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