Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Today was my first parent teacher conference! Mom went in very excited to hear all about the great things that go on in pre-school. I was pretty sure I made it clear how I felt about school each day that she drug me in, but she was still surprised when Mrs. Keller presented my drawing of "your favorite thing about pre-school" which we all made for our parents to see at their conference.

My report card was not much better! Basically, I refused to test.

Add Cole's perfect report card to the mix and I was not looking so good today.

Pre-School Update:  2/1/2015 Mom pulled me out of Zion pre-school because Mrs. Keller and Mrs. Tuggle replaced the sand in their sandboxes with flour. Mom could not feel good about sending me into a room that surely had flour E V E R Y W H E R E until she understood my sensitivity level. So today I joined Jonah at Little Learners and actually tried a little bit!

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