Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Party!

Wednesday was our Advent Service, Thursday we went to Children's Museum (Dad came too) and today was our Christmas party which Mom came to and made treats for!
They look much better than they tasted! They were ROCK hard! Mom still really needs her Tania whenever she attempts to make rice crispy anything.

You may notice a very important person missing?  Seth had to miss the three best days of the year so far! I felt so bad for him that I packed up a box of treats, threw in some LEGOs and took a care package to his house. 

We made a craft of course.

Lots of parents came!  Here's Mrs. Spaulding with Aaron.

Eli and his Mom :)

Jeremiah and his Mom

Violet's dad led us in a game of Christmas BINGO.

Which I won!

and of course, our little buddy Clayton was there behaving very well.  Merry Christmas to my classmates who are like my second family :)

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