Saturday, July 19, 2014

Birthday Zoo Trip!

Guess who came to celebrate ME and take us all to the zoo today?!

Of course the place was packed to the gills.  No matter!  We wriggled our way to the front every time.

Our newest zoo members, the Orangutans, were awesome!  This one stared at me the entire time!

We had to be pulled away from these funny guys.  B liked the one who picked and ate his nose.  Oh, and guess what he tried shortly thereafter?!  Gross, B!

Daddy and Bugga were happy to sit and watch and talk. 

Not Grandma!  She was right in the mix as always.

Of course, I made friends everywhere I could. 

But my best buddy, Bugga was the highlight for me :)

We fed the birds again.

Watched the dog show again.

We all love this dude!

And of course, B and I lined up to race the cheetahs!

Go B!

Almost caught em this time!

And we were all dying laughing when BUGGA lined up!  He paid his $.50 and took off like a champ!  GO BUGGA GO!  Man is he full of fun surprises.

See?  Best buds.

Mom was shameless with the selfies as usual.

Okay, Okay!

She and Dad snuggled up for a peaceful train ride, while B and I entertained Bugga and Grandma.

I made sure Bugga knew all about the animals we were seeing.  I may have also talked his ear off about Minecraft.  It's important to keep up with all of the coolest new inventions Bugga!

Speaking of best buds.  My parents are made for each other.  Yeesh guys!

Okay and B's all time favorite part was when we visited the bears and they had an EPIC battle!

Mom says they must be brothers.

This scene looks like it could be captured in Vandyville on any given day with two other brothers.

Of course, there was one brother bear who was the instigator.  Hmmm... also familiar.

In the end they were still best buds though.  You know how brothers are!

We were all enthralled by the bats.

Bugga tried to imitate them by taking a chunk out of Grandma's neck!

This kid tried to make friends with B.  He picked the wrong Vandy for that.

After a quick trip through the Oceans exhibit, we went over to the Dolphin show.
We were all just a little bit tired.

The animals weren't the only goofballs there.

We can be wild too!
And you know what's nice about having a sMother who documents everything you ever do?  I get to look back and remember that my first birthday was also spent at the Indy Zoo with my family!
A lot has changed in 6 years and I think it's all for the better.  Thanks Bugga and Grandma for an awesome day!

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