Friday, May 30, 2014

House of Boys

On the last Thursday of school, we got to go to Monkey Joes then the park. "What better day to host a sleepover?" thought Mom. She thought we'd come home tired and just want to chill out and build LEGOs or watch movies all night. YEAH RIGHT!

Even though it was cold, we made her dig out every swimsuit I owned and headed out back for a battle!

It started with Mom blowing gigantic bubbles for us to shoot and destroy, but you know that quickly changed into us destroying each other and Mom!

Mom wants me to note the fact that Jeremiah is her favorite because he's the only one who didn't soak her. It should also be noted that Levi and I both doused her generously. You're welcome Ma!

Things got really great when it started to pour!

Seth wasn't interested in the rain and quickly joined Mom in the sunroom.

Not the rest of us rowdies though!

We are warriors!

One of the best things about my friends is how much they like my little brother. He's just part of the gang!

Okay it may have gotten a little intense. This is about the time Mom started asking us to please come in. We just pretended not to hear her

Until she told us she'd just pulled a warm batch of chocolate chip cookies out of the over for us. SOLD!

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