Saturday, March 8, 2014

Scenes from the Disney Wonder

Here's a good picture of our enormous boat.  It was 9.5 stories high!

We love you Disney Wonder!

There were new things to discover around every corner.  Like this Bellagio like glass ceiling.

We loved climbing in, and peering out every window at the beautiful ocean.

It was a little bit difficult to keep me from jumping in to fight sharks, but Cole was content to just look out at the water.

This is Miami

I was NOT happy about not being able to put my "soup" right on and go swimming.

But we got to eventually.  The boat had a special place for kids to go when their parents wanted to relax.  We spent about 2 hours there TOTAL because I kept telling them to message my parents to come and get me!

I didn't want them to be having fun without me!

They did have a lot of fun activities for kids and an awesome area for us to play in. 

I just love my family, what can I say? 

Cole and I got along wonderfully.  Here we are in the anchor room on the Wonder.  There's a running track on the 4th deck that goes back here.  Mom was thrilled about that!

Anchor room.

Here's the track where Mom spent a couple of mornings.

Oh and yeah... there was a basketball court for Cole and Daddy.

Air Hockey and Ping Pong.  This part was on the Top Deck Forward.  We all got pretty sick after being up there for only a few minutes and had to take Dramamine.  Oh, except Cole who gets carsick almost every time we travel.  He was just fine.

Somebody stop my head from spinning!

They played Disney movies on the big screen while we swam.  It was heavenly!

Daddy and Bugga played shuffleboard.

And we had NO trouble napping everyday and falling asleep on our bunks each night.  We didn't exactly STAY in our bunks though.  This is where we usually wound up while Mom and Dad squeezed into the top and bottom bunks :)

There was a splash zone which I'm pretty sure was designed just for me. 

I owned that place.  I kept very busy filling and moving cups from one spot to another.

And there was a waterslide for Cole! 

Once Mom MADE him try it (she literally drug him up there), he couldn't get enough of it!

Hooray for mean Moms!
And every night, we got a towel animal in our room.  Guess what this one was?
I did enjoy some swimming too.  I wasn't hard to spot with my glow in the dark hair and skin :)  There were so many foreign people on the boat with beautiful dark features.  I did stand out quite a bit.  Not that I mind!

Another great window made even better with our cheesy mugs in it.

Hey Dad!  Can we get one of these?

This towel animal stole Mom's glasses right off the nightstand!

What fantastic Grandparents we have.  Thank you SO much for taking us on this adventure!

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