Tuesday, February 18, 2014


You probably know I'm a basketball player...  Mom took some more pictures to show you I'm still out there playing!  This year, I am by far the youngest player on my team.  Some kids are more than 2 years older than me!  I still love playing though.

Our team is the Huskies and we were doing very poorly.  We blame Snowmageddon for canceling all of our practices and a lot of our games.  We have two great coaches and a lot of talent so it was only a matter of time before the scores started showing that!

I did hear Mom and Dad wondering if I should continue to play.  Okay so I spent more time and energy on dancing than I did basketball skills.  That all changed this weekend when I played my HEART out!  We all did and we only lost by 2 points!  Oh, I scored!

Thanks Upward Basketball for an awesome program which is really fun and also teaches us how to be good sports. 

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