Saturday, November 16, 2013

Two Little Vandys Against Hunger

We are so very blessed.  Lately I've been praying for the kids in the Phillippines who had to go through a terrible hurricane.  This week, we had two big days of packing food to send to them and to other people who don't even have enough to eat.  This year, we brought the big guns on Day 2 - Daddy!

As usual, B was the youngest little food helper.  That never stops him though!  Really... nothing does ;)

By now, I'm pretty much an expert.  I worked 90 minutes on Friday and 2.5 hours straight on Saturday.  That on top of lots of prayers is the least a kid like me can do.

I told you B works hard!

What an awesome event and a great way for little hands like ours to give back.

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