Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall Fun!

Shortly after Jeremiah left, we got to go see our dear friends for lunch!  Here Jonah and I are with our favorite princess, Sissy.

Mom sees a lot of prom picture potential on these stairs!  Where are our dates??

Speaking of prom date potential!  We have dibs on Sissy as a future daughter in law for SURE!

After lunch we all went over to the New Pal Fall Festival.  We made sure the lady took good care of our Sissy.  There's Eli's little sis Lani too!

Of course I got a spider on my face.  What else??

Sissy is the cutest Hello Kitty ever!

Jonah got a fire breathing dragon.  Of COURSE!

Then we tore that tent UP.  When you're this cute, you get a lot of free junk!

Sissy was dying to get on the rides.  She wasn't scared at all.

We big tough boys on the other hand... We decided we'd better stay planted on the ground um... to make sure she was okay.

One boy went with Sis!  Her Daddy loves her to bits and pieces.

Afterwards, we all thought the dragon roller coaster was a fantastic idea.

I very quickly changed my mind and screamed bloody murder until they stopped the ride.  Thank goodness they did, as I was already halfway out of my car!

See ya! 

The big kids and conquered the Fun House with no problem.

I enjoyed the first 5 ft. of the fun house.

Jonah went all the way up and down with Coley.


Final stop was the airplane ride.  We Vandys called it quits, but the Chailles soldiered on!

Jonah did get a little annoyed with the fact that he couldn't reach the shooters.  Maybe next year, buddy!

What a fantastic Saturday!  Thank you Chailles!  See you next weekend!

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