Saturday, August 10, 2013

First Grade Sleepover

What do you get when you put four fantastic first grade friends together for the night?!  A FABULOUS time!  Jeremiah, Levi and Seth all spent the night after our first few days of first grade.  We got right down to business playing in the backyard.

Waterslides aren't wild enough for Levi.  He likes to go backwards and headfirst to up the adrenaline rush a litte!

After falling completely OFF the slide the first time he went down, Seth took the more normal route.

I also took an unconventional approach!

Mom let us roast our own hotdogs! 

We couldn't put our fingers up and yell "FIRST GRADERS" enough times :)

We stayed up for a long long time.  We did finally settle in for about 3 minutes worth of the movie Mom rented for us.

We camped out in the basement, then woke up for pancakes, sausage, bacon and fruit.  We ate for about 2 minutes then went straight back to playing.  Oh, we did get a little hostile with the Momparazzi and started posing with our butts instead of our faces.

What a great party!  Here's to great friends to go through school days with.

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