Thursday, August 29, 2013

Boys Will Be Boys

Just a few shots from the Momparazzi who has been trying to catch up after traveling all month and missing many photo ops.  We are still two wild and crazy guys :)

B now removes his own full diapers, gets a new clean one and attempts to change himself.  Maybe it's time for the guy to start using the potty?!

Oh and now he is into guys so the playroom now has a LEGO carpet, a superhero carpet AND a trucks and cars carpet!

Don't worry though.  As much as we are fully committed to destruction and mess, we are more than willing to fix and help clean.

"Hey Mom!  I a urker.  I a guy.  I fix you house!" 

Okay, I think Mom may be a little smitten with the local handyman.

Look out Dad!  There's someone moving in on your tinkering zone!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hoop Dreams!

Man, we have been waiting FOREVER to get our basketball hoop up!  First Mom and Dad tried to convince the county to let us put it at the end of the cul-de-sac, then they haggled back and forth over which one to buy.

Then Dad dug a hole almost all the way to China and had to wait forever for the cement to set and cure.  Then he got the hoop built but Mom wasn't strong enough to help him get the 500+lb deal lifted onto the bolts.

So... we called Uncle Smoke and he found some time to come out and put it up for us!  It's hard work to be so patient!

But it was worth it.  We LOVE the hoop and have been out almost every night shooting baskets.

B is working on his dribbling and really just likes to throw the ball into the road so he can yell for Mom, Dad and/or I to run out and fetch it for him.

Mom and Dad almost always get into physical alterations when they play.  Gross!

and Dad is pretty cool because he can dunk.  Okay the hoop is a little less than standard height, but we still let the old man feel cool.

Thanks Dad and Thanks Uncle Smoke for helping!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

How to Eat An Ice Cream Cone

Mom gives me my ice cream cones with NO chocolate and scoops half of it off into a cup.  Dad has it dipped and just hands it over to me in the backseat!  This is how an ice cream come SHOULD be enjoyed.

Mom may not have thought it was as funny as we boys did...  Maybe the fact that she had to take my car seat apart and clean ice cream hands off the car, walls, and my clothes put a damper on her sense of humor.  Of course, Coley helped make it better by dousing me with water and scrubbing my head and face almost completely off.

Then we put fake "boobies" and hair on and called her back into the bathroom in our girliest voices.  We got her laughing again in no time :) 

We Want Grandma! We Want Grandma!

Slow blogging months can only mean the Momparazzi is insanely busy, or out of town!  This month it's both.  We've been busy with baseball and back to school and birthday parties and goodbye parties and just enjoying the last few weeks of summer.  Last weekend Grandma spent the night, then came to watch my baseball game.  Of COURSE I put on a show for her.  I stole home plate and ended my run with a massive slide.  I think she liked it :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

First Grade Sleepover

What do you get when you put four fantastic first grade friends together for the night?!  A FABULOUS time!  Jeremiah, Levi and Seth all spent the night after our first few days of first grade.  We got right down to business playing in the backyard.

Waterslides aren't wild enough for Levi.  He likes to go backwards and headfirst to up the adrenaline rush a litte!

After falling completely OFF the slide the first time he went down, Seth took the more normal route.

I also took an unconventional approach!

Mom let us roast our own hotdogs! 

We couldn't put our fingers up and yell "FIRST GRADERS" enough times :)

We stayed up for a long long time.  We did finally settle in for about 3 minutes worth of the movie Mom rented for us.

We camped out in the basement, then woke up for pancakes, sausage, bacon and fruit.  We ate for about 2 minutes then went straight back to playing.  Oh, we did get a little hostile with the Momparazzi and started posing with our butts instead of our faces.

What a great party!  Here's to great friends to go through school days with.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy Birthday Princess Mommy!

After a nice long run, we treated Princess Mommy (B's new name for her) to gifts cake and a trip to our favorite park for her birthday.  Of course she brought her new birthday camera to take pictures!

The world is ours to explore!

New camera is really cool!

We had a great time finding cool trees, leaves, bugs and flowers to take pictures of.

As usual, Mom was most interested in pictures of us.

Daddy was in charge of keeping us out of the water and carrying the pack.

When we got home, we lay around watching movies and just enjoying each other.  Mom said it was the perfect day.  SCORE US!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Future Circus Monkey

Sliding can be fun, but when you have a crazy big brother like I do, it's rare that activities don't get modified!
Like tonight when he decided to turn our giant frisbee into a slide sled!
I wouldn't go on my own, like he did.

Somehow he managed to sell me on the idea of going down with him with little to no trouble.  It was a great time until we both ended up hurt.

Then it was off to practicing for his new chosen career path - Circus Monkey!

Mom says he's much too cute to pass for a gross stinky Monkey but he refuses to let his dreams be squashed. I'm behind you, Coley!  You'll make a great Circus Monkey!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Run Daddy Run!

Today was the Eagle Creek Trail Run!  This year, it was Daddy's turn to run and Mom's turn to captain the cheerleading squad.

Even though we had to get up at the crack of dawn, we brought the energy and smiles!

We danced, chased butterflies, played catch and did whatever we could to entertain the spectators.

We got a few free things from the North Face lady for being so cute.

B may have distracted a few runners with his bubbles.  Oops!

And of course, we were there with the big man to run the home stretch.  We are so proud of our super fast Daddy!