Friday, July 5, 2013

My Kinda Town - Chicago Is!

Mom and Dad continue to surprise us this summer!  Mom left Sunday for work in Chicago and can you believe Dad packed us up and drove us to the city to meet her on Wednesday night?  We stayed in the most beautiful hotel RIGHT in the heart of downtown and got to explore the city for three nights and two days.

And the best part?  We got to do it all with some great people!  Mom's friend Tania stayed all week and her awesome husband Derek flew all the way in from Utah to hang out with us.

We saw so many cool things.  Dad forgot the stroller so the grown ups all took turns hauling B around.  I was a trooper and walked miles and miles without tiring.

We quickly fell in love with the Lounsburys.  B especially loves Tania.

We loved this fountain that lights up at night.

Mom pulled us out before we got soaked.

See...  the kid was smitten!

Although he's ALSO smitten, Derek didn't seem to mind sharing his lovely wife.

They got used to eating, walking, talking, riding in cars and just living life with two miniature human beings attached to them pretty quickly.

We have no concept of "space" or "breaks"

They were GREAT sports!

We found Blue Gary!  There were endless things to see and places to explore in Chicago.  Mom was more than a little anxious about the hoards of people though.  That's why I made sure to stick close and help with B.

He was a trooper!  We didn't sleep much, but he kept right on going.

This big mirror blob was SO much fun!

Hey!  Where are your children?!

What an amazing city to explore.  Thanks Mom and Dad for taking us!

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