Monday, June 17, 2013

Dads Are Just Old Boys

We've been planning a super special Father's Day for weeks now!  We picked out just the right cards and just the right gifts.

We made them special so he knew they were from the heart.

Then we made him breakfast in "bed" and cuddled up with him to eat it.

Followed shortly by presents!  We got him his favorite cologne, He Man Beer glasses, shorts, a t-shirt, a book on CD, cookies, headphones and the best gifts of all were his handmade box and LEGO spaceships and the handmade plate we gave him. 

Of course we know what he likes!  As I told Mom, "I know Dads are just old boys."

We sure do love you Old Boy :)

After our morning smother, we got dressed up and went out to get a basketball hoop and a painting.

Daddy... So glad you're our Father!  Heeee Whooooo Heeee Whoooo

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