Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

The big day came!  We did give a few sneak peeks in South Bend last week, but added a few items of flare to our costumes on opening night.  Cole was Snake Eyes (yes we are BIG G.I. Joe fans around here).

And B was a Dinosaur? or a dragon? Or a Dinogon?  Okay, he was warm.

Mom was a little hesitant to join the walkabout posse because it was FREEZING out. 
She bundled up and came along though.  We're pretty sure it's because she had no guarantee that Dad would take pictures.

First Stop - Pick up some ladies!  You know we have the finest gals in Indiana as our standing Halloween date!

KK looked fantastic in her Carrie costume.

Shortly after our arrival, the doorbell rang and Lord Vader appeared!
Parker was a HUGE hit.

Thank goodness for the hundred glow sticks and giant light saber our Moms made us bring along.

For some reason, B was crazy about this one white glove he found. 
We're pretty sure it's because it was KK's and he is totally smitten with all three Overton girls.

We hit VBV in FULL force!  Okay, so we were a little cranky because we stayed up late with the Werner family the night before and it was truly FREEZING out, but we still got a TON of loot and got to see almost all of our old neighbors.  We even stopped over at our new favorite neighbor's house on the way home to say hello and give Halloween hugs.
Ps.  We all thought Sydney was too pretty to be scary.  Mom was totally jealous of her gorgeous hair.

Look how cute Taylor and Reece were in their Star Wars costumes.  What a lucky dad to have two little Star Wars fans for daughters!

Our little man was a trooper too!  He said "Choo Choo Treat" at almost every house and when he got candy he said "Thank You Cole!"  It was pretty stinking cute.

Hope your Halloween was SPOOKTACULAR as well!

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