Sunday, July 22, 2012

Party People!

What a fantastic weekend!  After Daddy finished work on Friday, we all piled in the car and drove up to Grandma's house.  She waited up for us and of course, she found the time to read us our favorite bedtime story about King Midas.

We love sleeping over at your house Grandma!

The next morning, my awesome family showed up to celebrate ME!  Mom grabbed me for a quick shot and then I was off to party.

Didi and Baba came.  It was so great to see them!

We think Didi is so funny :)

Baba too.  They sure do love us.

Didi and his boys.  Can you believe he paid Cole a whole dollar to lick a piece of Potato Salad.  Grandparents are AWESOME!  Don't let Mom and Dad tell them not to fall for our tricks though.  Someday maybe they'll have kids and learn, but for now we prefer to keep them in the dark.

Of course Aunty Marianne was there.  She is looking slim and trim and even prettier than usual!  We made sure to get plenty of snuggles in.

And Uncle Scott is usually throwing us around, but B convinced him to cuddle for just a minute.

Oma and Ota are still favorites.  They love us to bits and pieces too!

And can you believe Baba made me a BOMB cake?!  Really!  It had fireworks in it and everything!

It was the bomb!  My whole party was.  my whole family is! 
Thanks everybody for loving B and I so much.  We really are the luckiest kids ever.

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