Sunday, April 24, 2011

Vital Signs - 4 Months

It's hard to believe I'm four months old already.  Life is pretty sweet so far.
I'm learning to laugh and love to bite my hands, mom's hands and anything else I can get in my mouth.  I love my family - especially my crazy brother.  He takes great care of me and makes me laugh harder than anyone.

Dad took me to the doctor and I am now 25.5 inches tall and 15.5 lbs.  I'm a growing boy!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! 
Mom took Bryce and I to the church yesterday for a "children's Easter Celebration." 
Some really cool members brought in all kinds of baby farm animals for us to see.
I liked this baby chick.

Even though Mom has a serious aversion to all cattle, she thought these baby goats were pretty cute.

We sang a lot of songs and Jeremiah told us the story about Jesus dying for us and coming back.  Later on when Bryce was crying, I told Mom he wanted to go in the sky and see Jesus.  Mom gave me a funny look after that comment..

We had an Easter Egg hunt!  I was pretty distracted and wound up with only 3 eggs.  It was still fun though!

Someone had the bright idea to fill kiddie pools FULL of these great styrofoam peanuts!  Mom said I should enjoy it at church because there's NO WAY we'd have this at our house!

Then, when we came home we got to play outside and Mom and I tried Bryce out in the Jump-A-Jump.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I helped him bounce.  I may have gotten in a little trouble when I tried to swing him "up to the sky" but we sure did have fun while it lasted.

C'mon, little bro.  Get bigger so we can play!
Last night the Easter Bunny came!  I was pretty sure Santa was with him, and I KNOW Mom talked to him because I got Bugle chips, Trident Gum and playdoh in my eggs this year?!  What a rip off!

Hope you're having a lovely Easter!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Chaos and Calamity on a Couch

A game that's never dull..
Throw all the kiddos on a couch and try to take a group shot.

2.5 out of 6 looking at Aunty Heather.  Mom's not sure if I'm really looking.

Izzy and I are looking at Aunty Heather in this one. 

Mom snapped this one before we were ready.  No Fair!

3 out of 6.  That's half!

This one is close..  1 out of 6 looking.

This one is definitely the winner.  NOBODY looked!

Look Who Hopped on Down for Easter Fun!

Today Grandma and Bugga drove all the way down to take all of us kids out for lunch and to the movie "Hop."  Bryce got stuck walking around shopping with Mom for 2 hours so we big kids let him have extra Grandma snuggle time to make up for it.

Look how grown up my cousin Oli is looking.

Bugga snapped a rare shot of Mom and us boys. 

Grandma brought Easter gifts for all of us.  I got PUNISHER!  Aunty Heather and Uncle Gavin also gave me two bad guys.  What a score!

And... as I like to do, I tested to be sure Bugga was still on his toes. 
Nobody is safe when I'm around.

Happy Easter Grandma and Bugga! 
We sure do love you.

Ganging Up

Game On Mom!  Bryce has officially joined "Team Kid!"
He's also officially a laugher as of earlier this week.
And, I bet you can't guess who makes him laugh most of all :)
Love you, kid brother!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Superhero Storm (con't)

And... the Red Spiderman himself spent the night last night!  As always, Vann and I played perfectly together and had an absolute blast.  Thanks for coming, buddy.  Sorry I blocked the door and cried a little when you left!

Superhero Storm

Ice Man also made an appearance at our house this week!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Man of Many Arms

It's been gorgeous here at our house lately.  So nice, that Mom and I snuck outside for about 3 hours while Bryce took his nap on Sunday.  Of course, I brought my entourage.

Everyone was happy to get a little fresh air.

I showed off my big arms in this cool tank.

Got your tickets ladies?
Unfortunately, Mom didn't protect these arms and they wound up slightly toasted.
That might be a forgiveable offense if she didn't also allow Bryce's cheeks to get toasty!

Everything was going really well until Doc Ock Man showed up with his 4 mechanical arms!  He marched around the house wreaking havoc and chasing Mommy.
We got to play with Parker and Alyssa and the girls too.  I'm so happy the weather is finally nice!

What a fun weekend and what a fun summer we should have!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Naked Photo Shoot

Mom thinks I look like Uncle Noodle (Phil) in this picture.  He must have giant guns like me ;)

I'm getting cuter by the minute!  I love being naked.  Usually when I'm naked, my big brother strips down too!  What a nut.

For Baba

Hugs!  Since I haven't seen you in awhile.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April Showers

Mom woke us up REALLY early last Saturday morning.  We jumped in the car and headed up to Grandma's house.  Izzy was there!  We heard that all the fuss was about a shower, so we got ready for the action with some stuff we found in Grandma's bathroom.

We played non-stop.  I had such a great time with my big cousin.  She may be thin, but she sure is strong!

Turns out the shower didn't involve water at all.  What it did involve was one of our favorite things in the whole wide world.  Lots of pretty ladies!  Here's Bryce getting some snuggles on with Oma.

Evidence of the pretty ladies in the house :)  Thanks to Uncle Scott, we get to keep the three newest lovely ladies in our family.  Thanks for locking that deal down, Unc!

Bryce was passed around for snuggles all day.  That kid was so happy he forgot to sleep!  Here he is meeting Tante Kathe.

The woman of the day.  Our newest Vandygriff.  We love you Aunty Stephanie.

Seriously...  Does a guy get much luckier than this?


The other Bride to Be in the house, Aunty Rachel, is always a little Vandy favorite.

After all the action, Izzy and I jumped in Grandma's giant bathtub while Aunty Heather taught Bryce how to cheer for Butler.  He must be a little good luck charm because they won and are going to the final game for the second year in a row against all odds.

In the morning, Bryce and Bugga had a bit of a chat.  Unlike Cole, Bryce really likes Bugga's singing!

After a quick stop over at Aunty Rachel's shower on Sunday (thanks alot Bryce for falling asleep and cutting my party time with Uncle Kyle short), we jumped back in the car and headed home.  We were both so tired we slept almost all the way.  After all that fun, we just wanted to chill out and watch a little Scooby Doo. 
Thanks for a fantastic whirlwind weekend everyone and thanks especially to all the lovely ladies who hugged and smooched us all weekend.  We sure are lucky little guys!