Thursday, January 26, 2017

Chloe Rose Turns 10

Today was our favorite neighbor's birthday! Of course we were invited to celebrate. She's pretty much our adopted sister.

We had so much fun at Sky Zone and with all of her awesome girlfriends eating Unicorn cake and opening presents afterwards.
Happy Birthday Chloe Rose!

Home Sick and I Just Want My....

I'm so so so sick today. Mom was all ready to cuddle, but I had other ideas.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Happy Birthday Pops! HANG ON!!!

Today is Daddy's birthday. We LOVE Daddy's birthday because we love Daddy. He doesn't get very excited very often so we just really enjoy seeing him smile.

It was really hard to convince Rowan that the presents weren't for him. What a spoiled pup!
Check out our homemade wrapping paper though!

We got him a sweet weapon for fighting zombies.

and Mom got him lame clothes and shoes. I think we definitely WIN.
Happy 39th Birthday Pop.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Amongst Peers

Today I went to my very first Beginner's meet. This is a little odd, because it's my first year!? 
I've been wrestling Varsity at 70 lbs even though I'm brand new and weigh 64 lbs.
It was pretty cool to wrestle guys who were my weight and experience equals because I won the whole thing!
Here I am with my buddies Cohen, Tyler and Brody.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Finance 101

So Mom bought Coley and I Snapples (because that is our latest favorite treat). Mine was left in the fridge and Daddy stole it! Luckily, finance is his life so he taught me a valuable lesson and paid me back with 2 Snapples for something he called interest. I am a big fan of this interest thing!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Face Time With The Ukrainians!

I know you know we're half Canadian, but did you also know that we have a bit of Ukrainian blood in our veins? We got a super treat tonight. Mom's Aunty Cheryl Face Timed us from Manitoba during their Reezdvoh (Ukrainian Christmas) celebration. We got to meet all of our Great Aunts and Uncles and a lot of cousins too. They even sang Ukrainian Christmas Carols for us!
Here's our 92 year old Great Grandma singing.
and we learned to say "Hructoc Naroduvcya" Ukrainians! (Christ is Born)
They answered us with "Slaviteh Yohhoh!" (Glorify Him)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dreadmill Season

Mom tries to stay outside on the trail as long as she can in the winter because her running partner gets downright depressed when she hops on the treadmill.
Honestly...  how can she stand it?!