Thursday, January 28, 2016

Wrestlemania Round 6

So it was up to me to finish strong for team Vandy. No problem!
Lots of escapes to be made.

Plenty of attempted pins to break.

and more opportunities to do my own pinning. It was a great finish for me and man were we beat!

Wrestlemania Round 5

B wanted to go home after Round 2. Of course Mom and Dad made him stay to finish but in true B fashion, he staged a one man protest by just laying down for his entire match.

He did at one point lift the other kid's leg because coach was screaming at him but this was truly the extent of his participation. B is not known for doing things he doesn't want to do.

Wrestlemania Round 4

My second match was really strange! The kid I wrestled just wanted to run! I spent a lot of time chasing him around the circle.

It was a bit on the wild side. Not sure how this came about, but I had to do what I could to wrangle the kid into the circle!

Basically he would run, I would catch him, I would try to get him back to the circle and then I'd pin him. We did this for 5 minutes on repeat.

Evidence of me finding my man wherever he may have run to.

We were all over the gym!

I had a lot of pins and escapes. It was a fast moving match.
Whoa there little doggy.

I don't think he liked me much by the end.

Wrestlemania Round 3

Match #2 for B was a disaster all around. First, Daddy forgot to get him back to staging so he got paired with an 8 year old second grader.

Then he just sort of gave up.

Then he decided to try to win "Karate Kid" style

Both boys had a ridiculous match. We felt bad for the other guy too because he didn't know what to do with someone so much younger than him.

Wrestlemania Round 2

My first round was awesome too, but not because I had an easy victory. I was paired with a veteran wrestler who was a year or so older than me and had been working at it for 4 years as opposed to my 3 months.

He was REALLY good and the ref wouldn't let me wear my rec glasses for some stupid reason so I was in for a uncomfortable 5 minutes.

Mom kept screaming at me to keep moving and move quickly so that's what I did!

I had my fair share of successes, but overall it was more of a learning match for me.

I have never worked harder on the mat. That's for sure!

Thanks for a really tough match, dude. Sorry your parents were beating you up the whole time. We felt bad for ya and thought you were pretty awesome.

Wrestlemania Round 1

It was time for another wrestling tournament. This one was super fun because the matches were short and there were so many going on at once. B's first opponent was at a definite disadvantage wrestling in big old socks.

He also had to wrestle B...

B barely has to make any effort to manhandle his opponents.

We weren't entirely sure what he did to this kid, but it turns out he was okay.

As I said... the kid just shows up and relaxes his way to victory.

This does not look comfortable. Easy tiger!

He even listened to his mat coach and tried to do a full nelson flip thingy!

An awesome first round for B.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Happy Birthday Big Guy!

Today's the big guy's big dad! Happy Birthday Pops!

Who better to celebrate with than our friends The Smiths?! 
The Mark Daddies got to spend the day playing er... working in the bonus room and drinking cider beer. The Mommies got to spend the day chat chat chatting and the kids got to spend the day playing

. I don't know why, but whenever Addie is around, B has to take his shirt off and work out. Funny how she has that affect on him...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Our Baby

During the last few weeks, there's been a significant change around our house. Mom has been running the tail off Row Row and he's been SO much more calm! We think he's settled into family life too. He's such a good and patient boy. He lets us do whatever we like!

We love you Rowan.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Help NOT Wanted

I think Dad might have a little cabin fever because out of the blue he decided to start working on the bonus room. Rowan is NOT a fan of this idea because he is not welcome to sniff around up there.
Poor guy gets so sad waiting for Daddy to come back out.

Sometimes he's up there for-ev-er!

Coley can't stand to see Rowan sad.

Thanks for the hug bro!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Snow Day

Well we finally got a good dumping of snow this week! Dad got up early and did all the shoveling without me and I was SO upset. He got right back out there and we worked together to shovel the back patio.

I love being his right hand man.

and Rowan had an absolute blast playing in the snow! Who knew he would enjoy it so much!?

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Old and New Part 2

Speaking of old...  Mom and Dad took another traditional New Year's eve photo. Mom says its just not fair that Dad gets better looking every year.

Another awesome pair. We don't only love our friends. We love their parents too and they love us.

How lucky are we to find cool kids who have cool parents too?!

I have a feeling that we'll be best friends for many many years to come.