Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Best Thanksgiving Of Mommy's Life

We stayed home again this year for Thanksgiving and it was such an awesome day. We just enjoyed our little family.  B and I decided to put on a little show for Mom and Dad.

Guess who/what we are!

You got it, Santa and his reindeer driving a sleigh full of presents.

We also worked on the tree which Tyler brought earlier this week!

We may have gotten a small scolding for trying to turn tree decorating into an extreme sport.

Here's the whole thing. What a beauty!

Okay some of us chose to only decorate one branch, but man did B put a lot on it!

Then it was on to the messiest annual tradition we have - Gingerbread House Decorating! As usual, I spent about 6 minutes on the task before heading off to something more interesting. Not B though, he stayed and helped Mom for the whole thing!

What a trooper little Bro!

Here's the finished product

and a close up of the intricate and highly detailed work that was done.
Mom would like for it to be known that she feels fashion magazines have nothing on the photo shop work that's done to Gingerbread House boxes!
Even though ours looked nothing like the picture on the box, Mom still declared today to be the best Thanksgiving of her entire life. You're welcome Ma!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

We Are Thankful

It's Thankfulness Celebration Week! I had a great time with Mom, Alex, Dylan and Nicholas at mine! Here we are being a sweet little pilgrim and the Indian Chief from Peter Pan.

And Coley's was fun too! Guess which feathers Mom made him add once she realized all of his classmates were putting things like "Jesus, Mommy, Daddy, School, etc" on theirs and Coley had "money, social studies, license plates, freedom, electricity and the United States" on his!  My brother is definitely unique!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The King

Well the second grade got to lead chapel today and I was lucky enough to not only get to do my part, but cover Bradley's as well! Mom couldn't come, but got to hear my super funny lines while we practiced and of course one of the other awesome Moms sent her a picture for the blog.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Ersy the Turkey in the Forest With Spiders

B's first project came home this week. It was the old "hide the turkey so he doesn't get eaten" deal.

We were supposed to do it as a family and use things that our family likes/does so of course...

We covered that dude up in LEGOS!

Unfortunately the LEGOs were so heavy, we had to duct tape the final product to a heavy duty board which required much more decoration so per B's instructions, we added a forest and spiders. I think his project turned out really well!

and for a quick trip down memory lane, here's the same project done by Mom, Dad and I when I was in preschool!

Monday, November 17, 2014


It's unusual but totally cool that we got snow already!

Of course, the first and ONLY thing I wanted to do when I woke up was go out in it.

I love love love love LOVE snow!

Coley came out after school. Did we mention how cold it was? It was too cold to build a snowman.


Monday, November 10, 2014


We've been waiting and waiting for the Farmer to come and FINALLY this weekend, he arrived. It's no small thing to hear and see those machines tear through the field.

And Boy does it leave a mess on Old Man Vandygriff's beautiful lawn!

Saturday, November 8, 2014


It's getting chilly outside, but that doesn't stop us from going out. This weekend Daddy put the training wheels back on Cole's old bike for me and Mom and I took it out for a spin. I did really well and didn't even cry when I fell!
Mom is still out running in the 20 degree weather and we are praying for snow each and every day. Bring it on Polar Vortex!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Lunch Date

Mom left us this week for Omaha and it was a rough week! We had so much extra stuff going on. Thank goodness our Dad is a champ. We only missed sending our money in for hot dog lunch at school. No problem though! Mom took us out for a date lunch instead.

Who could resist a date with us?!