Monday, October 29, 2012

Conversations With Cole

Cole:  "Daddy, who is that guy in the picture with you?"
Daddy:  "That's Mommy!"
Cole:  "[laughs heartily]  No it's not silly.  That's a boy."
Daddy:  "No... it's Mom.  She just had short hair."
Cole:  "She looks like a boy!  (pause) Ummm... Dad?  Did you LIKE Mommy when she looked like a boy?!"

Cole:  "Mom, what if our Dad died and went to heaven?"
Mom:  "Cole, that would be awful.  We would miss Daddy so much!"
Cole:  "But, he would be safe in heaven so he would be okay."
Mom:  "No honey, we need our Daddy here.  He isn't going to die."
Cole:  "Mom, if you were by yourself you could get a sheep."
Mom:  "A sheep?!"
Cole:  "Yeah, or you could have a goat.  Goats can give you milk."
Mom:  "Cole...  I think I would much rather have Daddy here than a sheep or a goat."
Cole:  "Me too Mom."

Late Night Nuttiness

Mom asked Cole to try on some new underwear after our bath on Saturday night.  He said "these are OLD MAN underwear!"  Then things just sort of got crazy :)
WARNING:  Surprise ending!

First Double Date!

Well we Vandy boys finally scored our very first Double Date!
We'll give you ONE guess as to the identity of the two ladies we went with :)
Okay so it was a little lame that Julie and Mom chaperoned, but they did sit together and sort of away from us.
For his first ever movie theatre experience, B did really well and I think it's because he got to cuddle with Sydney and KK for the majority of the movie and Julie too :)  Mom forgot her camera so this movie poster will have to serve as the visual component of our post.  We all loved this movie and give it 3/4 thumbs up (B's  right thumb is securely in his mouth and he is not offering it up at this time).

Thanks for a fantastic dinner and movie date, girls!  You're still our very favorite :)

It's That Time of Year!

Around here, we love all things Halloween!  We have been getting SO excited for it!
B and I drew some decorations for Mom in the kitchen.

Bats and monsters and ghosts!

And, it's getting COLD outside.  B loves to wear hats.

Mom says he looks a lot like Uncle Noodle in this picture.

Last night, we went to the annual neighborhood party and got to see a REAL fire!
Of course, we were amazed. 

Mom let BOTH of us roast marshmallows! 
It was so super cold so we didn't stay long, but our neighbors all seem really nice!

Oh, and the new house is perfect for our Halloween decorations. 
Mom hung my ghosts and they love blowing in the wind from the fan.

And the staircase looks spooky too!
Daddy said "Great job on the cobwebs in the light.  They look real." 
Ummm... Dad.  They ARE real!  Vandyville is a little dirty these days :)

Those things are alright, but B and I made actual Haunted houses and they are REALLY scary. 
One of them is actually a prison.  If you come to Vandyville and aren't good, LOOK OUT!

Happy Halloween!

Vandyville is Unpacked!

Okay, sorry for the blog slacking...  We have been BUSY!
We moved in, Cole and I went to Grandma's for a week and Mom and Dad put Vandyville Version 2.0 together.  As of last Friday, we are officially out of boxes!  On Monday, we had our first guests:  Mr. Joe and Mr. Todd from Mommy's work.  This week, we get to have our first cool guests - the Werner Family!  It should be noted that since the Overtons are family, we don't count them as guests, BUT they were a huge part of our move (of course).  Kent came and helped Daddy lift all the heavy stuff and Julie and my girls brought food and kept us occupied.  THANK YOU!!

Here are some pictures of us breaking the new place in.
Before the dining room table arrived, Cole and I got to eat at the bar in the kitchen.  Unfortunately, I kept lunging at him and my booster must've fallen off the stool (with me still attached) at least 5 times.  This arrangement did not last :(

My job has been to make sure Buddy is comfortable with all the change.  Here I am helping him color.  It helps to draw your emotions when you are a little upset - right buddy?

Speaking of upset!  Boots has been REALLY mad about the move.  I tried to get him to color his thoughts but he prefers to express himself by leaving dookies in the living room and in Dad's toolbox.  This behavior got him banished to the basement for a day.  His parole officer (dad) thought he was ready to re-join civilized society upstairs, but he promptly added to the negative side of the recidivism rate and left a puddle in Mom and Dad's room.  Bella also left a giant puddle in the pantry so they are now together in the basement until they have done their time.

And me!  Mom put a really cool potty in the kitchen JUST for me!  I tried to put Boots in it (I really did), but he was not having any of the fun.  I love it though and try to use it everyday.
You can't really see it, but in front of me is a line of cars that was NOT made by baby Cole. 
I'm growing up!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

What would October be like without a trip to our favorite Pumpkin Patch?!
It was pretty cold out, but we braved the weather in search of the perfect pumpkins for Vandyville.

B had an absolute blast pulling the wagon and fighting those nasty pumpkins.

We were a little worried about the harvest this year, but our patch was FULL of beautiful pumpkins. 
The only problem was that there were no white pumpkins for Mom.  We looked and looked.

We Vandy boys love our Mama so much we looked high and low and finally found a little mini white one which was just perfect for her.

After a quick trip to the store and some caramel apple suckers, we hit the greenhouse and found an awesome old wheelbarrow.  I could not believe B was strong enough to push it around the gravel!  He was so excited to "PUUUUUUUSH"

As the amazing big brother I am, I helped him just enough to get through the times he got stuck.

Happy Fall!  We are so excited about all that is to come.


It's the big week of our move and we have all been working hard!

Add to that an ear infection, teething and colds and you know NOBODY is sleeping around here.
Even Boots and Bella are on edge and yowling all night.  One of them has peed on all the wrapping paper and the other is flipping out and peeing at every sudden move.

We don't let it get to us though!  We're too cool for stress!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sundays Start With Extra Love

Grandma Pam has been coming over for 4 hrs every Sunday so Mommy can run!
We all love having her here.  Mom loves it because she doesn't let us get away with ANYTHING and we love it because we love HER to bits and pieces.  B even gives her kisses!? 


Licensed to ?

Mom made us stand in line with Aylynn's Mom for almost a whole hour to get these silly ID cards.

They're not accurate and B's thumb print hardly shows on his and the chances of us actually taking them anywhere are slim to none BUT they are pretty stinking cute so whatever Mom..

Fire Station!

Finally!  One of the best days in fall arrived.  Mom has been talking and talking about it and we finally got to go to the Fire Station Open House.  As predicted, B was in HEAVEN.  We rode an old Fire Truck down the road to the big beautiful fire house.

Which was full of safety booths and free JUNK!  We loved the mascots and B chased them around all day.

The State Farm Bear is always a fave.

I liked the fireman games.  Here I am putting out some serious fire.

Of course I helped B do it too.

This year there was a really gross guy in the back of an ambulance.  A big kid dared me to touch his nasty owie and it was totally gross.

Bryce and this big orange fire truck spent at least 45 minutes together.  He was SO happy to climb up in there and pretend to drive.

The firemen were all super nice.

Speaking of super nice, I met my buddy Braylon there!  We spent at least 45 minutes running the fireman obstacle course over and over and over again.

I did my fair share of Bryce wrangling.  Mom was grateful for the help so she could catch up and make plans with Braylon and Lila's Mom.

We all got to climb up in the rescue copter.

Lila too!

We planned to stay for only an hour and would up there for almost 3.

We loved every last minute.

I'm pretty sure B is going to make a great fireman one day.

Thanks for an excellent day firemen!  We even know what to do when Mommy's cooking now!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Shot and a Shiner

What a day!  Mom and Dad hauled us off to Dr. Kermit's office at the crack of dawn to get our flu shots this morning and it was all downhill from there.  Shortly after arriving at daycare, I fell into a table and got a massive shiner! 
This picture was taken on Mom's phone hours later because I had a bit of a rage on her and may or may not have destroyed yet another camera.
Mom and Dad are grumpy too because our move to the big house has been delayed by another week!  What's it gonna take to get there?!  PATIENCE, we suppose.  Not a very strong virtue in this house.  I guess we've gotta learn it one way or another :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma!

After running around town for a few hours on Saturday, we came home for a short rest.
Then two of our favorite people came over for a pre-party!

B and I got busy wrestling Uncle Scott and playing Legos with him.

He even played a little dress up with Aunty Stephanie.
Then we were a little bummed because we had to put pjs on and the grown ups were going out.

Ha!  They couldn't shake us that easy!  When our babysitter didn't show, we got changed into Sunday clothes and crashed Grandma's birthday dinner!
We were SO good.

We entertained the table by eating lemons and making funny faces.


Cole ate and ate and ate! 
We had SO much fun.  What on earth would the grown ups have done if we hadn't been there to keep them entertained?!

We had such a great time with our family.

Smiles all around!

We were silly up to the very end - which was 2 hours past our bedtime!

Mom and Aunty Steph.

The lovely ladies!

Don't forget the birthday gal!

Love you Grandma!

Thanks for letting us crash your party.  We were sure happy to be there.