Thursday, September 27, 2012

Week In Review

It's been Kee-Razy here in Vandyville this week.  Still, we find plenty of time to do the things that matter most.
Like cuddles with Dad.

 One of us is forever silly.  The other is forever serious!
Cole has been SO good lately that he got a special trip to the Lego store! 
No, he didn't get this massive set, but he did get a treat :)

And B found a special treat amongst all the stuff to be packed. 
He loves this little Buddha and asks
"Are you okay Buddha?"

Hope your week has been as crazy good as ours!

Monday, September 24, 2012

21st Birthday

Bet you thought you were about to see some crazy party pics eh?!  Well I'm 21 months and unfortunately, Mom would not let me celebrate in style.  Here are a few fun facts about me though:
  • I am really good with my hands.  I use a spoon and fork, I hold a marker perfectly and I can work legos already!
  • I'm talking up a STORM.  One of my favorite things to do is yell "TRUCK!  MOM!  TRUCK!"  Only, I substitute "F" for "TR."  That turns people's heads everywhere we go.  I  think they must be amazed at how loud I am so I just turn up the volume even louder.
  • I love my brother more than anything or anyone.  There's nothing I'd rather do than play with him.  Unfortunately, he's a cuddler and I am NOT.  I beat him up anytime he even thinks about snuggling.
  • I love firetrucks.  They're my favorite thing in the whole world.  I cannot wait to go to the firestation in a few weeks!
  • I am still a really good eater.  most of the time I don't want my food, but prefer to snatch Cole's away and eat that.  Even if we get the same things, his is always tastier.
  • I love the bath.
  • I love Boots and Graham and Sammy. 
  • I LOVE Buddy, my blanket.
  • I'm not shy.  I will talk to anyone at anytime.  Just like aVandy.
  • I get to say prayers with Cole everynight now.  Mostly I just sit there and say "Where's Jesus?" over and over again, but I'm always the loudest one singing the Peace song. 
  • I'm sort of interested in the potty.  I tell Mom and Dad when I poop and I know I'm supposed to go on the potty.  I'm just not convinced it's worth the effort yet.
  • I'm up for making movies now!  Hopefully more to come :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This one is just for you Aunty Kat! 
We love you.  Come see the rest SOON!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Closing Time

Vandyville is moving!  Today Mom and Dad closed on our new home.
Here's a sneak peek from a few months ago when B and I went over to make sure it was
sturdy enough to handle us.

We loved it!

Just a tease for now.  More pics to follow - or you can come on out to the country and see the real thing!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Adventures With Hootie

If you're in Mrs. Ruth's class, you know being Student of the Week comes with a BIG responsibility. 
You get to take Hootie (the class pet) home for the weekend!
We were SO excited to have him/her around.  I explained all about how Hootie is nocturnal and how we all had to be sure he had lots of cuddles and adventures.

Mom explained that we are not to fight over Hootie and that there are some adventures Hootie cannot go on with us - like the bath!

Hootie enjoyed our Star Wars bedtime story.  B tried to feed him popcorn, but he only eats mice.

In the morning, Hootie was a little disappointed (as was I) that he could not go to sleep. 
We had a race to run!

Mom did a bad job planning and we barely made it in time for Daddy's race. 
No matter, he jumped right in for a 3rd place finish and a Vandy PR!  He may or may not have beat Mom's 5K time with little to no effort, we're not allowed to talk about that.

We're pretty sure our cheering helped!

After Dad's race, we checked out the Bounce House and balloon makers.  All the rowdies got swords and of course, B was right in there fighting with the rest of us big kids.

Then I sat down for a face painting.

When he wasn't jumping or cheering, B was running too!

He probably logged a mile himself!

Go B Go!

As a warm up for my big race, I did some stretch poses for my favorite photog.

The Momparazzi is always happy when we stop for a money shot or two.

I was a skeleton pirate...  For awhile I decided that I could not speak as I was "not really alive."
That didn't last too long though.

Dad got up on the podium (only because Mom MADE him do it).

 Don't tell the other guy, but we're pretty sure our Dad was the bigger winner.  How could he not be?!  He has US!
Finally, it was my turn!  Hootie was pretty tired, but he still wanted to cheer me on!

And this super special kid, Tatum was there rooting for me too!

I had an awesome race! 
What a great time running for a fantastic cause.
Please take a minute to read about our new friend Tatum and the fantastic things she does for children who are sick.
She is an amazing girl and we're proud to have been a part of her big day.
Thanks Tatum!  Keep up the great work!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ultimate Cuteness

Sydney and KK left some awesome gifts for me in the mailbox this week.
There's nothing more annoying than having someone snap endless pictures when you're trying to play a game!

Okay, I did find SOME time to strike a pose :)

Thanks Girls!

Like Father, Like Brother

Well, it was inevitable.  Look what Mom caught me doing this morning!

P90 has nothing on PBrycey!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Always Remember There is Nothing Worth Sharing Like the Love That Let's us Share our Name

Like the Avett Brother's song says, there's nothing we'd rather share than our Vandy blood.


"Well this was a GREAT idea!"

Some days just work out to be fantastic.  That was our Saturday!  Mom got up and got a nice long run in while we built towers and wrestled Dad.  B had an early nap and then we were all off to the Lion's Club Festival.
We had an awesome time winning prizes in the Kid's tent.

B won too!  He may or may not have cheated at the duck game by grabbing 15 instead of three, but the lady thought he was cute so he got away with it. 

We Vandy men are notorious for using our good looks to smooth things over with the ladies.

Of course, Cole played ALL the games.  He almost took out an innocent bystander playing darts so we decided to move on to safer games like ring toss.

And Football.  Coach Dad is always close behind his little superstar!

B didn't want to ride this one, so Cole took to the skies solo. 
Go get em Red Baron!

Even when he's flying a dangerous mission, he always finds time for his fans.

He quickly got bored and yelled "When is this ride going to be over?!"  Both boys were ready for The Rocket!
Dad wasn't so sure it was a great idea, but he forked over $6 for our whole crew to ride anyway.

This side of the rocket was fired up and ready to roll!
This side was happy to finally get on board, but quickly changed it's mind about the whole experience once the door was closed.  He cried the ENTIRE time!  It was a pretty bad idea, to be sure...

So even though the festival WAS a great idea, the rocket ride was deemed a big miss. Not to worry though, we quickly left for the park where Dad got a great trail run in and we got to play.  Then we hurried home, cleaned up and went to church where we saw our friends! 

Future Tony Stark

You may or may not have heard the news.  I've chosen a career!
I'm going to be an army scientist who designs machines and weapons.
Here's my latest prototype.

I take this training very seriously as you can see.  I spend many hours in my lab, working on my designs.
Dad couldn't be happier except for the cost of legos.  Sorry Grandma, but he may try to bring his stash home for me soon so he can afford college AND lego lab for my scientific education.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One of the Guys

My weekend started in tears because one of the big kids would not let me play legos at school on Friday.
I was all by myself and pretty upset when Dad picked me up.
Thankfully, I have awesome friends who played with me all weekend and cheered me up. 
One thing about my friends and I...  we always include B, even though he's smaller.

We met Hayden for lunch on Monday and we couldn't have been happier to see our bud!

He came over afterwards and we had a fantastic afternoon playing legos and hotwheels and superheroes and sand and catching bugs and whew!  We had about a month of missed time to cram in!

Thanks for coming over buddy. 
Thanks for an awesome weekend:
Parker, Keegan, Katie, Gaines, Uncle Kyle, Hayden and
ALL THE MOMS AND DADS who made it happen.

Thanks also to my little bro who is always welcome to play with my friends and I.
Happy Fall everyone!