She did a great job checking me out!
Then it was time for me to take on some big brother responsibilities. Dr. Box pulled a chair up next to the exam table JUST for me. Mommy lay down and I got to turn the heart monitor on and hold it for Dr. Box. I helped her find my baby brother/sister's heartbeat! I did such a great job that she gave me a sucker afterwards. I'm pretty good at this big brother gig.
Mommy says next month we'll bring Daddy along too. I'll have to show him how things are done, but I think he may be able to help out a little.
Thanks Dr. Box! Together, I think we'll do a great job taking care of the new little Vandy in Mom's tummy.
PS. Dr. Box and I agreed that the baby and Mommy are doing very well and Baby Vandy is the perfect size and has a strong heartrate. Good work everyone!