Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dr. Box

Today was a big day for a future big brother. I took Mom to her Dr. Appt. Here I am with Dr. Box. I wanted to be sure she was qualified to bring my future sibling into this world. Can you believe she had TRIPLETS when her oldest kid was only 19 months?! Mom says if she can pull that off without any serious injuries to anyone involved, she can surely get us through this pregnancy. I thought she was super nice and she kinda liked me too so I think it'll work out.
I told Dr. Box about the orange baby in MY tummy, then hopped up on the exam table.

She did a great job checking me out!

Then it was time for me to take on some big brother responsibilities. Dr. Box pulled a chair up next to the exam table JUST for me. Mommy lay down and I got to turn the heart monitor on and hold it for Dr. Box. I helped her find my baby brother/sister's heartbeat! I did such a great job that she gave me a sucker afterwards. I'm pretty good at this big brother gig.

Mommy says next month we'll bring Daddy along too. I'll have to show him how things are done, but I think he may be able to help out a little.

Thanks Dr. Box! Together, I think we'll do a great job taking care of the new little Vandy in Mom's tummy.

PS. Dr. Box and I agreed that the baby and Mommy are doing very well and Baby Vandy is the perfect size and has a strong heartrate. Good work everyone!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Baby "Shakalayneedah"

Please excuse my videographer's unstable camera hand.

As you can see, I'm a whiz at this baby naming thing.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Be Very Careful

Mom: "Honey be careful, Mommy has a baby in her tummy."
Cole: "Mom, YOU be careful! I have a baby in my tummy too!"
"Be careful, I have a baby in my leg."
"Be careful, I have a baby in my other leg."
"Be careful, there's a baby in my arm!"
"Be careful, there's a baby in THIS arm too!"

There sure are a lot of babies growing around here these days!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Little Baby Butts

Parker's Mommy got a teeny tiny baby diaper in the mail yesterday. She and my buddy Parker brought it over when he came to play tag last night. Can you believe how little my brother or sister is going to be?! How is it even possible?!
It should be noted that Mommy does have enormous man hands, but STILL!

Now THIS is more like it. That's my "big boy" diaper on the right. Mommy and Daddy say that's an oxymoron. I have no idea what they're talking about half the time so I just nod and smile. Remind me to teach my new sibling that invaluable trick asap.