Saturday, June 19, 2010

Great News is Even Better When Shared

This was a big week for Daddy and I. We got to go up to South Bend to share our exciting news with our family! There were some pretty happy grandparents around :) I was happy too because I gotta tell ya, keeping this big secret has not been easy for a little guy like me!
It was also a big week for Mommy because she went back to the Dr. and got to hear Baby Vandy's heartbeat again. Mommy is also no longer feeling yucky, so we have one happy household.

A special thanks for Vann and Stella's Mommy who gave us two HUGE jars of Green Olives. I'm not sure which one of my parents is craving those more these days. YUCK!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

BIG Baby in My Tummy

Since I continue to dive bomb Mommy at every opportunity, she sat me down the other day and showed me pictures of when I was a baby in her tummy. She explained that now she has another baby growing in her tummy - just like I did. I yanked up her shirt and looked and looked, but saw no baby. What's she talking about?! Then, I decided that I wanted a baby in my tummy too, so I rammed Potty Time Elmo into my tank top and told Mommy that I too, "have a BIG baby growing in my tummy!"