Monday, May 24, 2010

Brother or Sister?

Today we were talking about some of our favorite siblings. Vann and his sister Stella; Jared and his brother Chase, and Sydney and her sister KK. Mommy asked me if I wanted a brother or a sister, and I said, "I need a baby." Then Mommy said "do you want a baby boy or a baby girl?" I said, "I want a Captain America." So, cast my vote for a baby Captain America. I'm holding my breath!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baby Toy

Today Mommy asked me if I'd like to have a little baby. This was after I tried to dive bomb her as I've done a million times before and she told me I couldn't do it anymore because she had a baby in her tummy. Anyway, I said "Yes, I like a baby toy." Mom had a funny look on her face at that comment, but it turned into a smile so I guess it was the response she was looking for.
This whole baby thing is really weird if you ask me.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Ring Test

Today, Mommy and I did the Ring Test to see what sort of sibling I might expect. It was right for me, so we had high hopes for accuracy. We did it twice and that ring spun in circles over Mommy's belly both times. That means there's a little sister in there!

On another note, the Chinese Lunar Calendar (which predicted I'd be a girl) said the baby is a little boy, so Mommy and I are confidently expecting a little sister. It's all very scientific you know. We'll know for sure in a few months!

PS. Mommy asked me what a baby girl's name should be and I said "Sydney." Wonder who I was thinking of...